bologna's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Hello all, thanks for the suggestions and critique.

    vtrix, I wanted the game to be more polished but time is not a thing I have much of, as I need to present the game as part of an oral presentation in just a few days, this is also why the game is so short, I can't take up more than 15 minutes so I wanted to make a game that was short but showed off a variety of features that make the judges think "This guy pretty much knows what he's doing," which by the looks of these replies I accomplished. :D

    InfinityX, like I said in the previous paragraph, I just don't have much time to add (what I would call) nonessential changes like extra animations, but I did mess around with the player's arms "dislocating" when facing left when I was working on the game, and couldn't figure out any solutions so decided to keep it the way it is since it still works alright. :P I think I will implement the crates falling from the sky though, since that's only a matter of moving the object spawners.

    Thanks again everyone, hopefully in the future I'll have a proper game to show you all!

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  • If you rapidly click RMB when you first reload you get more rounds than you should. That was the only issue I've noticed other than sometimes weird hit boxes which you seem to know about already. Otherwise, beautiful art and fun game.

  • Hello, for my senior project I chose to learn video game development and to create a playable video game. As part of my proposal I said I would get feedback from other game developers on my game, and that's where I need you all.

    With only a little over a month to learn and make my game, I have come up with this, a small, short, simple game.

    Please review my game, things you liked, things you didn't, etc, but just keep in mind this was made in very little time with no prior knowledge when you write your review.

    Thank you, I really appreciate it! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    My game on dropbox, works best with Google Chrome I think

    Edit: the player and rocket sprites are from Gang Garrison as I am not that great of an artist. All other graphics though are created by either me or my friend. And the text may look weirdly formatted unless you download some fonts (they're free) TF2 and TF2 Build.

  • Ah, thank you Ashley! Works perfectly.

    Cheers <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I want a jump sound to play when the player sprite jumps, but when I tried to set that up the sound ended up playing on loop the entire time it was in the air.

    While I have gotten it to Sort of work (the sound doesn't play when jumping multiple times with little time in between), there must be a better way.

    Here's what I have right now.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Thanks for any help. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 5 posts