bociakrodyl's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Jobel and Ashley!

    I took what Ashley suggested:

    "I think an easier way is just to add "Every footstep_speed seconds" condition."

    It is beautiful and simple and works perfectly!

    Also thanks for explaining the wait concept.

  • I wanted to make the player hear the sound of steps when:

    - he touches a particular ground

    - and when he is moving.

    I have arranged such an event, but the effect is that I can hear a lot of overlapping footsteps sounds.

    Variable "footsteps_speed" is used to adjust the interval between steps.

    I thought the system was playing sound and waiting to play sound again, if of course the conditions are met.

    I think I miss something here. I will be grateful for every hint.

  • Yes, hard-coding sucks.

    I need a simple engine that I will be able to develop,

    so thank you very much for the hints!

  • Hello!

    I need to do a simple game engine.

    It's something similar to text-based games.

    There is no relevant graphics here, but the story itself is important.

    The player moves between locations.

    After entering the the location, things happen:

    - messages about the given location are displayed

    - turned down the music that is played on the way to the location and volume up music for a particular location

    - at the end, the player gets a list of possibilities (he can go left, right, he can raise something, he can ask to tell the narrator about this area again, etc.)

    I thought that I would set the player on the board where the locations will be located. The view is from above.

    Everything will be symbolically represented as squares.

    If the user selects a move to location A then the player object will automatically go to that position. As soon as it reaches the goal, the game engine will start to check each condition individually.

    So the location should be an object composed of different properties:

    - what sound file for the background

    - the number of seconds passes between the music from the road and the one in the location

    - basic description

    - extended description

    - where to go (the other locations)

    - etc.

    I am asking for suggestions on how to do it.

    What should I use to create a location object?

    Maybe there are tutorials somewhere?

    I will be very grateful for every hint.

  • Hello everyone,

    I know the basics of JavaScript and the principles of creating algorithms.

    I write in JavaScript, but I'm not a programmer and I'm just tired of all this guessing about: what's going on in the browser console now ;-)

    Construct 2 is more convenient for me due to the visual arrangement of the algorithms.

    But I wonder if Construct 2 would meet such requirements.

    I have main Event Sheet with core game structure.

    Also I have many Event Sheets for particular game objects.


    My game is a text adventure game. In this project I can go to different rooms and corridors. Thanks to the descriptions I can find out where I am and where I can go further in a specific direction. It's like walking in a maze.

    Each room or corridor has a set of features. In JavaScript it is a very complex object. Some of its properties are short names, while others are consecutive objects with different properties.

    For this reason, one room is one Event Sheet but the logic of the game is in Main Event Sheet.

    Is this possible?

    I am asking for any hints on how to get this type of solution.

  • Wow! Thanks a lot guys!

    It is a great surprise that someone prepared a demonstration for me.

    I have more materials to learn and I see here two different approaches.

    Weekend will be mine!

    Thanks again!

  • Thanks again!

    I do not need to use the FSM plugin.

    I just thought it would be easier.

    I will write in a nutshell how the program should work, then could you guide me how to simply make it?

    Maybe I was wrong to start working with the FSM plugin?

    • As I mentioned before, this is an interactive audiobook.
    • The player moves from scene to scene. Each scene is a room, or a corridor, or a yard, etc. The player can return to one scene many times.
    • Each scene has a looped background sound. When the player starts the scene, the background sound may change. Then the old one is gently faded out, and the new one is faded in.
    • Each scene has arranged speech sounds. These are short sentences. I should be able to determine the gaps between them.
    • There must be footsteps sounds between some of scenes. Random sounds X times.
    • The player moves from one scene to the second one using the arrow keys.

    Sometimes player can choose only one scene, and sometimes can select one of four neighboring scenes.

    • The player does not have to listen to all speech sounds. I assume that once he was in a particular scene it might be tiring for him to listen again.

    So shortly after entering the scene he can choose another one.

    But that's only if the player was already in the scene before. Otherwise he must listen to the whole speech sounds.

    Is it easy to do for non programmer person?

  • Thanks again 99Instances2Go!

    So I started to fold these blocks.

    I created and created and created and have created... a big mess...

    I broke everything so now the sounds are overlapping when I press the arrow-up.

    It may be a shame to admit, but I don't understand some of your commands.

    Maybe is there any tutorial about these states and switching between them?

    I ask because I do not want to be onerous and torture one man with dozens of questions.

  • Wow! How much knowledge to understand!

    Thanks a lot! I learn with great pleasure.

    So far I have analyzed the matter with steps.

    I explain why I did it in this way:

    • Footsteps I need to play between some speech sounds.

    I can not play them all the time in one scene. Footsteps are interrupts, for example when the player goes to another room.

    • I thought that I would not be calling 10 times the random sound of footsteps, since there are functions.

    So I did the function, but it does not work.

    Is there no easy way to call X times this function randomly playing a sound?

  • Thanks 99Instances2Go!

    I don't understand fully the timer behavior, so I decided to take advantage of the functions.

    And my project slowly starts to work as it should

    but I have more puzzles.

    Could you tell me please about following topics?

    1. I have a function to randomly play footsteps sounds.

    But only the first sound is playing.

    What I did wrong?

    aum. pl /img /fsm2 .jpg

    (I inserted 4 spaces as before)

    2. When you go to startingPointDoor, the up arrow key is still active.

    I do not know how to make the keys from the previous scene inactive.

    I suspected that I could move the event "on up arrow presed" to FSM "on enter to startingPoint". But this is impossible, the system displays a message:

    Some conditions were not moved. Due to restrictions of triggers, some of the conditions you dropped aren't allowed to be moved here.

    That is a big problem, because I assumed that FSM would help me to switch between scenes.

    And in each scene the arrow keys are used to switch to other scenes.

    3. When you go to startingPointDoor, you hear only background sound (komora-oczyszczajaca),

    And the sounds of speech were lost.

    I don't know why the function "playStartingPointDoor" does not work.

    I changed the value in the global variable.

    Gee, I didn't know it would be so complicated to arrange some sound files

  • Hi guys!

    I want to make a simple multimedia game.

    This works like an audiobook with a choice of scene by the player.

    I have a problem with finite state machine.

    Something I do not understand and therefore I ask you for help.

    The project is built very simply:

    • I have many scenes.
    • Each scene consists of background sound and subsequent speech sounds. Some of them are randomized to make the narrative more attractive when someone plays again.
    • The player doesn't need to hear all the sounds of speech. He can decide to change the scene while listening to the speech.

    To start building the project I used RexRainbow FSM plugin.

    It seemed to me that it would be easy, while I was stuck and didn't know how to deal with it.

    Please look at my little project:

    aum. pl /img /fsm .jpg

    Sorry, I had to give a four spaces in the address,

    otherwise the forum would not save my post.

    In startingPoint I play sounds, but if the player chooses the up arrow, the sounds should be muted and proceed to startingPointDoor.

    The problem is that only one sound of speech is muted, but the rest goes on.

    How to make the system "forget" about doing everything in the previous FSM scene and doing things with the new one FSM?

    I will be very grateful for any hints.

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  • Thanks a lot!

    I have a good starting point now, because before I didn't know even how to start

    And yes, the informations at a given point and the sounds in a specific location are random from a given range for each point.

    Now I will disappear to create moving between points. I will finish this first to have good foundation.

    But something I feel I'll be back with another question

    Thanks again!

  • I'm pretty fresh in Construct. I watched some tutorials, but never found an answer how to solve my problem.

    I have an idea for a simple game for my children. It has to be a project that calms restless minds.

    Graphically very simple game, because the content is the key to have fun in this game.

    If I make a demo then I will show it with a big joy, but now I'm stuck.

    I need to make a point system deployed in space.

    You can only move from point to point always choosing one with the keyboard.

    Points symbolize different rooms in some building.

    I'm starting at the point Start.

    I got a message where I am.

    I have two options, move left (point A) or right (point B) with arrows keys.

    I choose move to point A.

    The cube pretending a player moves smoothly,

    similar like a point on the map.

    Cube moves automatically when I've used arrow key once.

    Cube stops at point A.

    I got a message where I am.

    Next I can choose one from four directions to movement: point B, point C, point D or go back.

    And so non-stop:

    • I choose the available direction
    • I got the message where I'm
    • I got the second message which direction I may choose
    • I choose...

    Also along the way there will be some sounds put in the space.

    It's for greater playability, this points will emit the sounds of real rooms.

    This sounds are hints.

    This is the basis concept because messages are generated randomly from a few possible for certain situation in certain point.

    The idea is to make this trip on the map not boring

    and primarily to calm mind

    For every tip I will be extremely grateful.