Thanks thanks thanks!
This is a very big thank you, because I am very grateful for any help.
I have learned a lot already, but I still meet the high walls, which I hope someone will show me how to beat.
I could not test it, I was stuck on picking up the array as a parameter.
First, I will describe the case with the array, but it seems to me that a better solution will be if I store data in instant variables.
1. Array as parameter
I want to call the speakArrWithDucking function and give my array as a parameter.
At this point, Construct displays:
'11_full_desc' needs an expression after it.
This is an object name so you need a dot and an expression name after it.
I looked through the possibilities following the dot, but I found nothing suitable.
You wrote:
The term array is a bit misleading since you are using a function string parameter.
But I would like something other than a string as parameter, more specifically, I would like an object :-)
But the object can not be selected while creating a function parameter.
I chose the String because there is also Number and Boolean to choose from the list. So it seemed reasonable for me.
2. Instant Variables
I thought that a simpler solution would be to pass a string of texts and numbers in the Instance Variables.
The reason for such thinking is the fact the array is more work when it comes to filling them on start the game.
So I created an instance variable called short_desc.
There, I put the test data.
But after many combinations, I did not find out how to refer to this by calling the function.
There is very little information about the Instance Variables in the documentation:
I tried, among others, like this:
but nothing works, can I ask for a suggestion?
Maybe there is some documentation about these types of queries?