If you wouldn't mind loading the title of my game so I can explain the problem:
As you see, the game's title "Rebound" is gradually formed step by step from first vertical and then horizontal lines. I do this by having a sprite with 3 animations, first vertical lines, then horizontal, and then the completed image with diagonals. The intended effect is to have lines move across the screen, and for the animations to change beneath these lines, and not for the animations to appear just out of the air, so to speak.
So, to time this I have for example an event such as "System Time = 2 seconds" event, which creates the vertical lines. Then a few seconds later the same kind of event to change the animation frame to 1 just at the moment the lines are passing over.
The problem is this type of event seems to be temperamental, and on certain loads either the vertical or horizonal lines, or both, fail to be created. Is there a reason for this? And has anyone recreated the problem when clicking the above link?