blitzMN's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply!

  • Follow up....

    Or another way is how can I stop the subtraction of a value on collision with another object? I hope this makes sense.

    Thanks again!

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  • Hi!

    First post here so here goes....

    I have a global variable that represents the score for the game and on every tick it counts down a set amount. When the player reaches the end of the game I have a collision event that ends the level. What I want to do then is take the value stored in the global score variable ( that is being subtracted every tick ) and set it to another global variable for the final score before ending the level. So to summarize I am trying to set the value of one global variable to another global variable, is this possible?

    I am in a time crunch at the moment so any immediate feedback is welcome!

    Thank you in advance!

  • 3 posts