blendman's Forum Posts

  • hI

    This engine is interesting. I have tried it, but I don't have the shadows, and the engine is not pretty ccol than the layers editor of Construct.

    I think it could be really great to have this system of shadows and multi-textures in an object in Construct.

    A multi-textures/image for a sprite is good to others things like customisation for a character (to equip himself with sword, clothes..), or other interestings things ("static" shadows).

    Perhap's a shadow systeme could be "faked" by a filter like dropshadow but in isometric view, with an option like moving the top of the shadow, and give to the SizeY of transformation (/3 for example), we could fake a shadow system.

    Not the same, but another shadow system .

    The source of this engine seems to be here :

    or an old link here : ... p/download

    Edit :

    One of my test :

    <img src="">

    If you want to test the Sprite , and if you do the same in construct, you can post .cap :

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • It's interesting, thanks.

    Daize : thank for this technics too.

    Arima : thank you for the informations about global .

  • Hi

    I would like to modify this effect to create anew effet named :

    "Drop Isometric Shadow".

    The effect will be :

    Normal Dropshadow :

    <img src="">

    IsoDropShadow :

    <img src="">

    Modification of the shadow :

    In fact, it seems to be easy : just to have a parameter which allow you to change the size of the shadow (in X, and Y).

    In my example, I have just change the size of Y of the shadow :

    normal 1:1

    iso 1:3 (1/3)

    So how can I do that with your code ? I have tried to do that , but it doesn't work.

    Here is the test I have made (buggued). I have add 2 news parameters :

    Size Y : it should change the Y size of the shadow, but in my code, it's buggued.

    Alpha-effect (of the original image, not for the shadow, which has opacity) : this effect allow you to change the alpha or add some effect to the image (not the sahdow)

        // Dropshadow isometric blurred
        // David Clark (edited by Louis Ferina, Jorge Fuente-Alba,)
        // PS 2.0
        //#CROSS-SAMPLING : reads pixels it may be writing.
        //#BORDER-MODE : samples pixels outside bounding box
        //#PARAM float offsetX 5.0 : X Offset: X offset of dropshadow.
        //#PARAM float offsetY 5.0 : Y Offset: Y offset of dropshadow.
    	//#PARAM float sizeY 5.0 : Y Size: Ysize of dropshadow.
    	//#PARAM float alpha 1.0 : alpha - effect: alpha effect of dropshadow.
        //#PARAM float blur 2.5 : Blur : Blur amount of dropshadow.
        //#PARAM float opacity 0.5 : Opacity : Opacity of dropshadow.
        // Foreground texture
        texture ForegroundTexture;
        // Foreground sampler
        sampler2D foreground = sampler_state {
            Texture = (ForegroundTexture);
            MinFilter = Point;
            MagFilter = Point;
            MipFilter = Point;
        // Parameter variables
        float offsetX;
        float offsetY;
    	float sizeY;
    	float alpha;
        float pixelWidth;
        float pixelHeight;
        float blur;
        float opacity;
        // Effect function
        float4 EffectProcess( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
            // Add the front and back pixels
            float2 Tex2 = Tex;
    		float2 Tex3 = Tex2;
            Tex2.x -= offsetX * pixelWidth;
    		Tex2.y -= offsetY * pixelHeight;
    		float4 here = tex2D(foreground, Tex2.xy)*0.25;
            float4 left = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x - (pixelWidth*blur), Tex2.y*sizeY))*0.1875;
            float4 right = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x + (pixelWidth*blur), Tex2.y*sizeY))*0.1875;
    		float4 top = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x, Tex2.y*sizeY - (pixelHeight*blur)))*0.1875;
            float4 bottom = tex2D(foreground, float2(Tex2.x, Tex2.y*sizeY + (pixelHeight*blur)))*0.1875;
            float4 result = (here + left + right + top + bottom)* opacity;
            float4 src = tex2D(foreground, Tex.xy)*alpha;
            result.rgb = 0;
            return result * (1-src.a) + src;
        // ConstructEffect
        technique ConstructEffect
            pass p0
                VertexShader = null;
                PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 EffectProcess();
    Thank you for help
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  • I want to try it though, but first I have to do the 2.5d behavior.

    i what is this 2.5D behavior please ?

    I'm interested

  • Hi

    I would like to know if there is a simple function to do that :

    "At the creation of an object" or "at the destruction of an object"

    -> do actions

    Like the feature in GM :

    • create event
    • destroy event

    Thank you for your answer .

  • Thank you very much .

    I will study your file.

  • hi

    Thank you for this exemple, it's interesting.

    I would like to create a level-map editor for the game I work on, so I will study your example, and the example of gammabeam for the save\load technics, even if I prefer to have map separated (not in a big file).

    Have you plain to add other things, like color change ?Can we change the RGB value of a sprite ? I have don't find that.

    Another thing : I would like to know what is the "string" saved when we save a map made with your editor ?

    Thank you

  • Hi

    I'm new on Construct (I have downloaded it saturday, the 8 may 2010).

    I'm an advanced user of GameMaker since 2006, and I work in a professionnal game enterprise since 2000 (we made 3D games, or 2D games). I'm infographist 2D-3D, and art director on my projects.

    So I have to say that Construct is a very great open-source software, with a lot of very interesting features .

    I was really surprised with the power of construct. Of course, I have compared it with Game Maker and other tools I know, because I have used a lot GM, and make some "little big" games with it (demos in fact).

    So, I would like to thank all the developpers for this very great soft .

    My Game

    Name : 3 arks

    Genre : Adventure with a storyline, RPG. I hope to create an online mode, but I don't know if it's possible and easy as with 39dll .

    Style : sprites are Rendering with Blender. The style is cartoonish, colored and lightened.

    Screenshots and Videos

    Construct Version (only made in 2 days):

    GM version :

    With GM, I have made a Level (map) editor. I hope to do the same with Construct, but I don't know if it's possible to load some external map that I will create with this editor.

    For the moment, I try to see if we can use Construct in a professionnal porduction (for a 2D isometric game), but we need a lot of graphics, and we have to use some external ressources (between 300 and 600 Mo of graphics perhap's) . But I don't find how to use external encrypted ressources (without python).

    Some questions

    1. Is there a way to attach an image/somes images to the instances of the same object :

    ex : the shadow under the character. The shadow will be the same for all the different characters, which could be randomised (I hope). For the moment I use a Turret behavior, but I think it's not a good solution. But I haven't find another way to do that (because drop shadow isn't made for isometric game).

    2. Is it possible to use an object in differents layouts ? How can we do that ? (I don't talk about the inheritance fonction of the layer, because, we can't move the elements).

    For example : I have a tree and I would like to use this sprite in differents layout, move it, change his colour, size... on these layout, but with a unique sprite.

    [edit]OK, I think I need to make a global object (common settings).[/edit]

    3. is it possible to "free" the memory which is no more use, because, for the moment, the game use 80 Mo of ram, (with GM it's only 10 mo with more graphics and features (fx..)). A sort of plug ins like "free memory" of GM would be great .

    4. Is there a sort of A* pathfinding (following an iso grid and avoid the obstacle, and go to the waypoint)? I have found the RTS behavior, but it's not that I'm looking for (the way is direction free for example, because it's made for top-down game and not iso game.).

    5. Can I load different image on an object (not the same methode as add image in different frames of an animation (in the animator editor)), and how ?

    Thank you for answers, and sorry for my bad English .