bladedpenguin's Forum Posts

  • Theres an expression for getting the Logical X and Logical Y. use Board.PXY2NearestPX(X, Y) and Board.PXY2NearestPY(X, Y)

  • Set an instance variable TargetSpeed. Then if Speed < TargetSpeed, Speed = speed + Acceleration*dt

  • Hmm I PM'd the author of the tut. Hopefully he responds and updates his links.

    You should still be able to move the Player with Set Position, it'll just be instant instead of smooth.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • On a PC, I can detect return key being pressed or whatever, but, on an Android or IOS device, will the virtual keyboard register that same "On Key Pressed" event? If not, how do I detect that the user is done entering text?

    I'm going to use a button.... but I'd like to work the way I expect the user to expect it to work.

    Also, is Set Position supposed to work with a textbox? I know it's a form control not an ingame object, but I can't seem to get it to move.

  • You might take the minecraft route and use chunks. You can put Arrays in Containers with tilemaps, then when the player gets too far away, Serialize it as a JSON and put it into webstorage or whatever, then destroy it. The only problem is I think C2 puts an upper limit on how big a layout can be.

  • One solution would be to use an animation. You could make the origin move back and forth over the course of the animation.

    Another way to do it would be to have an invisible DementorBase, which has the pathfinding behavior and moves in a sane manner, then have a Dementor that either has it's position near the Base, or has some custom movement that sort of lerps toward the base, but keeps it's momentum when it gets too close.

  • You won't be using the platform behavior for the flip. Disable it and reenable once the player is flipped. You can create smooth motion using this: ... -with-lerp. You might also do some funny things with the height of the player's sprite to make it look better. The position you are trying to move the player toward is Platform.Y - <Player's Height>. You probably don't want to change the player's X.

    If you just want to move the player without getting fancy, sprite has a Set Position action.

  • Well, you said [quote:1nbdyw6d]reloading should begin after 2 secs from stop shooting

    so I think 2 seconds would be a good starting point. You might add in a little extra time, to be sure that the target has been lost.

  • Perhaps you could use a timer? Whenever you shoot, reset the timer. If the timer ever finishes, that means that you have stopped shooting.

  • I'd say have a look at RexRainbow's grid movement:

    It does support grid based pathfinding and listing possible moves.

    For Drag&Drop, I think there are methods for finding the logical coordinates for a world coordinate. It's really quite an elaborate system, and I'm very happy with it. Don't hesitate to keep asking if you have any confusion after looking over this plugin system.

  • Every tick Object.X = Player.X; Object.Y = Object.Y+1

  • It seems the bug is still present in r200

  • Theres no automated way to "translate" the Javascript and XML that comes out of Construct2 into another language. It might be theoretically possible to extend the Xbox or PS browser to support all the HTML5 features that C2 uses, but you are better off waiting for Microsoft and Sony to add native support for HTML5 games. Alternately, have a go with Unity or Unreal, though, as I understand it, the learning curve is much steeper and there are some publishing hurdles to overcome on that front also.

    I would like to see support for 3DS and PSP, but the wind just isn't blowing that way.

  • It would be nice to have some kind of unified plugin solution.... For now I'll just keep my own efforts well documented.

  • I'm hoping to publish cross platform, including Steam, Android, IOS, maybe even 3ds Depending on nintendo lol.

    So I count at least four control schemas that I need to build. Mouse/keyboard for PC, Gamepad for PC/Console, Touch for various tablets/phones, and I guess some kind of gamepad/touch/secondscreen hybrid abomination for wiiU/3ds if Nintendo comes through. I'd also like to allow keymapping, because some people just have a different keyboard or are more comfortable with a different setup.

    It seems like a pretty complex problem, and while I have no doubt that I will eventually figure it out, I was wondering if there is an easier way. Is there some kind of abstraction layer I can use between the myriad of input devices? I found a plugin for Construct, but of course I am using C2

    Keys/buttons are straightforward: I set up a pair of dictionaries, so I can look up the key and button for an event and use them both in an OR block. I set up a separate event triggered by a gesture or something for touch.

    It looks like movement is boiling down to two analog sticks, Left for movement and Right for Look/Shield. Seems I should feed the first analog stick into a MoveX and MoveY variable. I should also feed WASD into those variables, as well as an onscreen analog stick if no keyboard or gamepad is detected. Do you have any tips for making sure I avoid any kind of "off by one" lag when I aggregate inputs like that?

    Right analog stick controls a camera point. The point is also controlled by the mouse, so I need to figure out how to decide between those. If the "Shield" button is held, the player will also face the camera point, allowing strafing, and raise whatever they have in their shield slot. Touching a nonbutton point on the screen will have the same effect: player faces that point and raises the shield, even if the other finger is on the analog onscreen control.

    Have I got the right Idea? Am I thinking along the right lines? Is there an easier way to handle all this? Any feedback or ideas are quite welcome!