I'm using turret behavior with a machine gun that acquires an object when i click it, rotate to it and fire.
now I'm trying to make an automatic reload system that reloads a new bullet every 2 secs but not while the machine gun is shooting (no shooting and reloading at the same time, reloading should begin after 2 secs from stop shooting)
i can't find a condition (is shooting) that makes the condition true while shooting, instead there is (on shoot) condition and triggered once. so i tried using the condition (if bullet is on screen) as a work around.
i tried (every 2 secs + bullet isn't on screen ----> add 1 to ammo) but reloading starts immediately after stop shooting and continue every 2 secs or may be something else is wrong about timing.
how can i solve this ?
Hope I explained my problem correctly but to give a clear example for what i mean : "Swamp attack" reloading system
Thank you.