More migration issues. In general migration works, except for 'distortion' effects. They all seem to go wonky in some way. I've tried multiple third-party effects, but for the sake of simplicity, I've copied the Scirra Lens effect, migrated it, and made a C2 CAPX that works just fine in C2, but imported into C3, the behaviour changes. Running the attached CAPX, C2 shows the same result in the editor, and in preview. In C3, the editor shows the lens area greatly magnified, but correct in preview (which is actually the exception - generally I see the same problems in editor and preview).
On top of that, if you then clone the lens object in C3, the original sprite's effect changes! It should not do that. Each time you clone, the previous spites all change. This does not happen in the C3 version of the Lens effect.
Since I don't know with 100% certainty that I'm not doing something wrong, I don't want to post a bug, but Ashley, if you could comment, that would be helpful. Other issues are in the OP.