blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • Wait does not block. It puts those events aside for one second, then runs the following actions, so in this case they are all put aside at the same time. There are many threads on writing timers. Have a search.

  • Your JS doesn't work either (the testing i==6 one). If you follow the logic by hand, you see that you hit the i=loopindex condition twice. i starts at 3, then when loopindex = 3 you multiply i*2, so i=6. But the loop is still going, so when loopindex=6 the condition is met again, so i*2=12. At the end of the loop i=12.

    For the Wait, add the action Destroy:Particles in the On Start to get rid of the original.

  • You play by NAME, but stop by TAG. Heres a sample:


  • Try Construct 3

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  • test_fnc

    This does what you have but with two functions. Doesn't need to be two, just showing variations of calling functions.

  • Your best bet is to post a capx file. Pseudo code isn't your friend here.

  • I believe you are seeing an expected behaviour, in that, newly created objects can't be fully addressed until the next top-level event. You've already got the solution in the "This work correctly" event. Just add the same zaman condition, and move your zaman=1 to the second event so they both run just once.

    Keep in mind that IIDs and UIDs are not fixed. They can change as objects are created/deleted. Use some other means to address them explicitly.

  • There are no pending updates. I only have the one Mac to try.

  • No difference. Post updated.

  • You are not resetting your global on restart, so it keeps counting.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:


    Observed result:

    I'm having no luck at all with the Mac export. I've made several attempts, including a completely blank project, but nothing happens. I saw a thread of a conversion,, which I downloaded and got a bit further. I see a window pop up briefly, but then it crashes.

    I know enough to open the Console, and see this for my attempts:

    .../", ...): Permission denied

    And the crash report for SpaceBlaster:

    Process:        node-webkit [391]

    Path:            /Users/david/Downloads/


    Version:        25.0.1324.0 (1324.0)

    Code Type:       X86 (Native)

    Parent Process: launchd [130]

    Date/Time:       2013-02-24 09:08:11.650 -0800

    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)

    Report Version: 6

    Interval Since Last Report:          864779 sec

    Crashes Since Last Report:           3

    Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 5 sec

    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2

    Anonymous UUID:                      4355CF55-CDDF-4D14-A380-5076C58F7C44

    Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000 Crashed Thread: 0 CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue:

    Thread 0 Crashed: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue:

    0   node-webkit Framework              0x2a56e5fd mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6133869

    1                   0x9207ee66 -[NSView _setWindow:] + 2131

    2                   0x92087aca -[NSView addSubview:] + 411

    3                   0x92210ff6 -[NSView addSubview:positioned:relativeTo:] + 708

    4   node-webkit Framework              0x2a5c474a mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6486458

    5   node-webkit Framework              0x2a5c250e mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6477694

    6   node-webkit Framework              0x2a5c2622 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6477970

    7   node-webkit Framework              0x2a5b0a5e mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6405326

    8   node-webkit Framework              0x2a5bc097 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6451975

    9   node-webkit Framework              0x2a5bc030 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6451872

    10 node-webkit Framework              0x2a5aa592 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6379522

    11 node-webkit Framework              0x2a5aaa3f mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6380719

    12 node-webkit Framework              0x2a5ab720 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6384016

    13 node-webkit Framework              0x2a5ab2fb mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 6382955

    14 node-webkit Framework              0x2bb16db1 v8::internal::POSIXSocket::IsValid() const + 669473

    15 node-webkit Framework              0x2bb1a080 v8::internal::POSIXSocket::IsValid() const + 682480

    16 node-webkit Framework              0x2bb02205 v8::internal::POSIXSocket::IsValid() const + 584565

    17              ?0x95c1fdb3 _nsnote_callback + 176

    18           0x98f71763 __CFXNotificationPost + 947

    19           0x98f7116a _CFXNotificationPostNotification + 186

    20              ?0x95c14c50 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 128

    21              ?0x95c2205d -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] + 56

    22                   0x920db216 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 125

    23                   0x920db126 -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 74

    24                   0x92232339 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpen:] + 274

    25                   0x92231f59 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 101

    26              ?0x95c551f8 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 511

    27              ?0x95c54fbc _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 228

    28                     ??0x9a46ef5c aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned long, unsigned char*) + 166

    29                     ??0x9a46ee5b dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 43

    30                     ??0x9a46ed65 aeProcessAppleEvent + 197

    31              ??0x97e50197 AEProcessAppleEvent + 50

    32                   0x920ab7d2 _DPSNextEvent + 1420

    33                   0x920aadd6 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156

    34                   0x9206d1f3 -[NSApplication run] + 821

    35 node-webkit Framework              0x29ec844b uv__fs_event_close + 5146235

    36 node-webkit Framework              0x29ec7bec uv__fs_event_close + 5144092

    37 node-webkit Framework              0x29ef9851 uv__fs_event_close + 5347969

    38 node-webkit Framework              0x29f1167e uv__fs_event_close + 5445806

    39 node-webkit Framework              0x2a421894 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 4770564

    40 node-webkit Framework              0x2a42176c mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 4770268

    41 node-webkit Framework              0x2a42249c mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 4773644

    42 node-webkit Framework              0x2bb19b12 v8::internal::POSIXSocket::IsValid() const + 681090

    43 node-webkit Framework              0x2bb1afa3 v8::internal::POSIXSocket::IsValid() const + 686355

    44 node-webkit Framework              0x2a265aa5 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 2952469

    45 node-webkit Framework              0x2a266779 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 2955753

    46 node-webkit Framework              0x2a265640 mac_plugin_interposing::NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(unsigned int, CGRect) + 2951344

    47 node-webkit Framework              0x29853ef9 ContentMain + 41

    48                     ??0x2984df75 0x2984d000 + 3957

    Expected result:

    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack: Win7 SP1, OS X 10.6.8

    Construct 2 version: 120.2

  • Most people use Dropbox.

  • 0,0 should do it. Maybe post your capx.

  • Right-click on the condition itself and choose Invert.

  • You can try manually rolling the version number back. You can edit the <saved-with-version> tag in the .caproj file. It should say 12000. Change it to 11900.

    If you have a .capx file, you need to change the extension to .zip and unzip it first.

    Keep a copy of your current file, in case this doesn't work, and you can just wait for the next version. There is no guarantee that this will work, but if you haven't use the new behaviours, as you said, then you have a good chance.

    I've used this trick before, although I can't confirm 120, as I didn't install yet.