blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • Change 'On collision' to 'Is overlapping'. It's harder to do this for collisions, as they come in individually.

  • Use: 'For each Enemy order by Enemy.ZIndex, descending'. Destroy your bullet, destroy the Enemy and add 'Stop loop'.

    That will order the enemies hit, and stop after the first one.

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  • Have you locked the layer?

  • I'd guess that it is because you are rapidly changing it's mass by changing it's size/volume. (Remove event 2 and you'll see that the smaller object moves faster than when it is big, so size does affect motion. It takes more energy to get that larger object moving.)

  • Event 5 won't work as you are trying to use a trigger as a condition. As suggested above and in the documentation, use a Dictionary to store all of the data as one object. Then you only save/restore that one object, which would work the way you have for 'firstRun'.

  • Wait commands do not block. They take all of the code below them, moves it to a separate thread, and calls it after the condition is met. So all local variables are lost and the function is actually returning on the first wait, so it's parameters are also gone. Just use a global in this case, or store the text on an instance variable of LongText and grab it from there instead.

  • When you call a function, the picking is reset. Pass in the UID to the function, and Pick by UID.

  • Right-click the condition (not the event), and choose Invert.

  • Problem #2 is you are setting the angle in event 19.

    For #1, you should consider using a Timer behaviour instead of Every X seconds for critical timing. Every X seconds starts running when the game starts, and triggers at that time regardless of when you might think you are starting the countdown. I'm guessing event 25 is triggering at odd times, but you should start the 12 second timer when Ability1 becomes active, not every 12 seconds since the game began. (Also since your cooldown is 60 seconds, it takes a long time to retest the second round.)

  • Dividing by ten (as an int) gets the first number, Modulus gets the second.

    int(Variable/10) + Variable%10

  • Just place another PNG there with the same name so you can get past that error, and have a look once the project file is open.

  • Add the timer behaviour, and give each a random timeout.

  • "On" events are triggers, not conditions. They do work differently from regular conditions. You can't invert them.

  • It's a C2 thing. True internally is 1, False internally is 0. This is a low level computer thing, actually.

  • The format is:

    System: Compare two values:

    health = 7 | health = 8

    = Equal to
