BlackClan Studio's Forum Posts

  • Thank you simple games! that was it! I couldn't find all the bullet instances and didn't see them. But now it works! Thank yall so much for yall help!

  • Yes , i did everything exact. I did a whole new Test and followed yours step by step and it works. It's something in my game that is causing it to not shoot correctly.

  • Hmmm... a weird thing happened. Now that the left and right is shooting correctly, the up and down is now shooting sideways. I've made sure the angels are at 0 and the the bullet angle is "yes".

  • Oh wow, thanks a lot man! It's more simplified and cleaner now. I really appreciate this and your advice.

  • So im having an issue in my game when my player shoots in either the left or right direction, the bullets are side ways and are not shooting straight. It shoots correctly shooting up or down but I can't get it to shoot correctly in the correct angle for the left and right direction.

    shooting up.

    shooting down.

    shooting left.

    shooting right.

    For the events, I've set the bullet angle of motion in the angle the player is going. But it just shoots side ways. It's shooting in the right direction but not the right angle. Can someone help me figure out how to get the bullets to shoot correctly in the directions its shooting in?

    Here's the link.

  • Thanks :)

  • Looks fun! Would like to try it out.😃

  • So im still working on my project and I love how the game is turning out. I've been procrastinating for some time and actually took a vacation from working on it , knowing I should of been getting easy things that I know what I can get out the way. Such as the designs, themes, levels, and other easy coding that I should of BEEN got out the way. But no worries, I caught up on most the stuff I needed to get out the way on my checklist and im just working my way towards the more difficult part of coding and the game.

    For my project im aiming for the classic look of old arcade games. Im getting there but not there yet. I have much more polishing to do in the levels of the game and make sure that its not so hard to navigate through the mazes. Im just so happy with how far i've gotten and know that im learning along the way and making progress as a indie-developer. I already know what I want to work on next. Which will be another classic style arcade game to help further develop my skills. So im doing light experiments/projects thats not too complex, but still able to challenge myself so I can learn and grow. Im also thinking about collaborating on my next project with someone, because hey, two heads are better than one lol. Im still a beginner/rookie , but I can see the vision.

    Anyways, here's some screen shots of the game im working on. These are the game plays.

    These two gameplay screenshots includes a glow effect.

    These are the normal gameplay screenshots for the game without the glow effects.

    Additional Screenshots of the game and what the outside of the maze looks like.

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  • Well I played your game and I give a lot of respect for your hard work and efforts of making this game. It has the Gameboy look era and feel for sure. When I first started playing it and as I walking around in the grass, i was really expecting for a pokemon to jump out and start a random battle lol. But aside from that, playing it was fun. The chase was exciting to me and tho the puzzles are nice, they became a little to repetitive of solving the same type of puzzle (moving and breaking the rock to the hole). I like the story, it's cute and start to the point and it does make you want to find out what happened in the ghost past that led him on his journey. I also love that you can continue the game once you leave! So thats huge bounus because I think I made it pretty far and it would of been ashamed if I had to start from the very beginning. So now, I can still continue where I left off anytime and continue the ghosts adventure. You really pulled this off well and I have not seen or encountered any bugs yet, but if I do, i'll defiantly let you know. The last thing I could say however is that if you think about editing the designs in the game, go for a ghostly vibe design for the boxes and interaction boxes because while playing the game was fun, it still kept me thinking I was playing a pokemon game when I wasn't. So, I would just add a few designs to it here and there, but other than that, great work.

  • This looks good. I can see this as a pc survival game. I think this is a good start and it is always good to just start on something light so you can get the hang of things and learn one bit at a time. Most times we have these huge ideas and want to just jump in right off from the start and then realize we put on too much on our plate. However, it is very good to challenge yourself and set reasonable (not too drastic) goals and plans that you would like to do and make for/in your game. So keep pushing yourself. Your doing fine!

  • Looks very great! It's is very cute and I can tell just from watching the video that this will be VERY challenging. My head starting to ache from watching it and trying to see how you managed through all those traps! Im not the puzzle type but good job and luck on your game though!

  • There it goes lol. Thanks Pinkie! It wouldn't upload the first time, so I thought a link might work

  • This is a little screenshot preview of my game im working on. Im very happy about the progress im making and cannot wait to finish it. It's an old shooting arcade style game im working and the inspiration is kinda inspired from the rumors and sightings in Area 51. Stay on the look out for my posts and updates about it. It's just a pic, not actual gameplay.

  • Thanks for trying my game and you are welcome!

  • Hello developers of Construct! I just want to say how happy I am to see the new updated Arcade website! One of the things I wanted the most that was an issue to me was that the old arcade site didn't allow games posted with C3 runtime, but only allowed C2 runtime. Thanks to the hard and dedicated ppl who made it happened, I just want to give a huge thanks! Now I can finally post my game that I made a long time ago on the site and other future projects to come! The site looks amazing and 10x better than what it was. No more "error page or broken page" every time you try to go on to the next page of the site. I like how you can now actually post what type or how completed your game is (Full/Demo, Work in progress/Test or Example) and it's in it's own category(In a neater way). I like the space of it, and it looks very clean and organized. The last one looked just, very cluttered. The new look is very professional and I like how my profile can look professional and organized more too. The only thing I wish is that the site supported mp3 audio. But other then that, im really diggin the new look of the site.

    You all might of played my game on NEWGROUNDS btw, but heres my game that I finally wanted to upload on Construct as well!