BlackClan Studio's Forum Posts

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  • Great news everyone! the game is about finish!!! As the last time I posted, the things and checkup ups I've done has been completed! Pause menu is done, Layout out transitions are finish, game modes are functioning well, tweaks and edits has been made for gameplay, credits is completed, everything is working how I imagine it would! Two things I decided not to continue with, Top 5 leader score board, and new cover art. I decided that my "Gameplay" cover will be the one for the game cover and my first cover. As for the top 5, its not really needed to make it an "Arcade game". The music is still being worked on, BUT im getting on it. Im planning on looking for 10 BETA TESTERS to try out the game for BRUTATL HONEST criticisms. So I will be looking for the feedback of what needs to be improved, what was liked, what was not liked, controls, gameplay, and detailed feedback on why you did or did not like it. Im just not sure where to host it or allow just the 10 testers to try. But anyways, the help would be greatly welcome. Last planning on making a nice game trailer for it and planning a launch date to upload it to Steam. I've come a long way with this game so I hope to make it the best it can be. Very happy for this and that this is one of my first major game I created to sell. We shall see what fortune this will bring. Very challenging game so be on the look out!

  • Thank you, it works!

  • It don't seem to work. It works when my player is overlapping the background of the level, but not the walls in the level. They have solid behavior so, the player won't be able to overlap it anyways. Is there a way to do this such as "on touch" or "touching" wall/object? "On Collision" don't seem to work as well for this.

  • Thank you, I will try that.

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  • Hey guys, im simply trying to get my player to take damage while they are still on the wall or touching it. When they are off the wall, player won't take damage. Im using a timer behavior for my player when they do touch the wall, it seems to partially work. It will take the damage, but when im off the wall, it continues to take damage and kills the player. Im just simply trying to make it take the damage while touching, and stop taking damage after player is no longer on/touching the wall. Any help on this? Im also trying to take a snapshot so I can upload it here for yall to see my codiing, but it dont seem to work.

  • Well, I started to do a little work on the fighting game I said I wanted to make from the first page. Im just working on bits of it for now because im still working on my first project that is coming together. So I don't want to get off track. In response to the MMORPG, that would be nice to see be made in construct. Of course games like that takes time make, but it doesnt matter. It's the time and effort you put into your work that matters. And if you can make it work or happen/driven to do it, then months or years won't matter much as long as you can see it come to life. thats the way I see it from my point of view. RPG games would be nice to see though in construct as well.

  • braud

    Dropbox is working just fine for me. Im not using the new recent update of this though, so that might explain why im not having any issues at all. I always make sure I save the project AND download it too just incase after doing edits and changes in it. Then delete older files of that project that has not been worked on within a month or so.

  • Are these games for iPhones and Androids? You post about them a lot, but I was just curious to if you made any to play as apps.

  • BTW, The speed of the gameplay in the video is NOT the actual speed! It LOOKS slow or looks like thats the actual speed of the game, but it's not. Believe me, this game is pretty fast past.

    Also to note* For another update, I will be doing a new cover art for the game as well.

  • IMMM BAAAAAAAAACK! Happy New Years everyone! Hope this year will be a great year everybody! Im ready to get things pop'n and roll'n this year as well as finishing up this game I've been working on for quite some time. I have some new updates with the game that I liked to share and the progress that's been done.

    So to start out, A new radar system has been put into the game and now it shows navigation within the level, distance from the enemy and a cleaner look for the game!

    Take a look...

    Video footage of the new radar system.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Another big update is that the game can now be playable in 2-player mode! [WHOOT WHOOT!]

    Now you can enjoy playing with another person and competiting in getting the highest score than the other person. Just like those good ole classic arcade games.

    Player-2 Jet

    Other updates. Just finished up some layouts images for the controls. The game supports international Keyboard settings, so I took some time to make a nice visual keyboard inputs the players can use for the game, which are QWERTY(English keyboard controls) AZERTY(French/Belgium Keyboard controls) and Arrow keys, which are common for all users.

    More updates. I have recorded my voice as well and added an "Arcade voice" for when the player starts the game.(You can probably hear it at the beginning in the video I just posted). Created the ending for my game and worked on the credits as well. I got to fix my fading with the credits , but im basically done with it.

    So, those are the biggest things im so glad that got done with my game so far. So then, is the game about finish? NO (I thought it would be from the last time I posted, but its not close at all lol). I still got some work to finish up with it, such as the pause menu, transitions of layouts, certain bugs, adding a top 5 score, music, adding in some more things and of course, checking and making sure any more issue are discovered so they can be dealt with! But for the timing being, its getting there! And as much as I would like to say I did this all "By myself", I would like to give a huge special thanks and shoutout to dop2000for your assistance and help you done as well with this project! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten this far with where im at with my project now. THANK YOU!

    To end this, im satisfied with this progress that has been made with this game and I will be continuing to finish this till THE END!

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  • Impressive video. This is looking real good for a start. Interested to see what this will fully look like when finished.

  • I defiantly will leave a review. I just got to get my account unlimited and then I can be able to leave one.