Authentication Error

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From the Asset Store
7 Errors
$15 USD
7 Errors is a game where you have to find the 7 mistakes before time runs out. Can you find all 7? Have fun looking.
  • ok great

    for the moment i work on 225 with no cloud

    good luck

  • Great now getting this message. Can we please get this fixed??

    This app is blocked

    This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.

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  • Just echoing what everyone else is talking about. This is a major problem.

  • You can approve it anyway and it will work fine.

  • i cant use this app why

  • Anybody know if the other services are working? I'm considering moving over to Dropbox

  • You can approve it anyway and it will work fine.

    How do you do this??

  • Open it in incognito and ignore the warnings from google :)

  • Also experiencing this issue... glad to see it's not just me.

    To add to it, I've just been able to save to Dropbox with no issue, but I seem to be unable to save a local file at all. Whenever I choose to save local I get an error

    "Unable to save project. Try checking you have permission to save in the chosen location. Alternatively try saving a different way."

    I thought I was about to lose a bunch of work until I thought to try Dropbox

  • oK, at least, i found why my project dont load on last release

    it is valery popoff ease addon , need update ;)

  • I'm suffering from the same problem. I'm also now starting to see this message:

    This app is blocked

    This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.

    Is anyone else getting this or is it just me?

  • I'm suffering from the same problem. I'm also now starting to see this message:

    This app is blocked

    This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.

    Is anyone else getting this or is it just me?

    Same here,team try to fix hard, but they have to wait, google process perhaps several days

  • I'm suffering from the same problem. I'm also now starting to see this message:

    This app is blocked

    This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.

    Is anyone else getting this or is it just me?

    I posted the exact same thing earlier today

  • If you're on Windows you can just save your project as a local file to Google Drive's local folder. It'll sync with your Drive in the same way as Cloud mode did.

  • braud

    Dropbox is working just fine for me. Im not using the new recent update of this though, so that might explain why im not having any issues at all. I always make sure I save the project AND download it too just incase after doing edits and changes in it. Then delete older files of that project that has not been worked on within a month or so.

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