blackarcadia's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Thanks, Kiyoshi!

    We're mainly targeting PC and Mac (if HTML5 was/is capable enough Linux could be in too) though we've made sure the control scheme can easily translate to consoles in case we decide to port it over there too.

    We share the same dreams of C2 exporting natively but who knows how things will play out with HTML5 and these wrappers? Maybe it's all we really need in the end and HTML5 really will be the answer to a big chunk of our game developing desires.

    I'm really hoping Construct 2 grows way further, it's my ideal WYSIWYG game-making program really. I'll probably try to work on the HTML5 prototype tomorrow, right now we're (sadly) trying to come to terms with GameMaker's GML which is just confusing to me really, it's good that my friend who I'm working with has some experience with C++ but even he's puzzled by some of its workings.

    If ever I get a nice enough HTML5 prototype up, I'll see if I can throw it in for testing in the "Your Creations" forum.

  • Thanks for the quick replies, guys! We're still busy making a crapload of assets for the game anyway so there's time enough to hopefully see C2 expand further and hopefully be able to support this project as I really am not up to bothering with GameMaker since a lot of the features that we can easily do in Construct's event system requires GML there and I really don't feel I'm cut out to be a programmer.

    It'd be nice to be able to represent Construct with our project since this has got to be hands-down the best WYSIWYG IDE. If C2 ever gets to about the exact same features as CC is currently at or surpasses it even and can totally handle large desktop games through HTML5, one probably wouldn't have to look anywhere else and it'd definitely make quite an impact on things.

    I was formerly under the impression that HTML5 was just going to be limited to mobile games and it'd be stuck competing with nothing but Angry Birds, Cut The Rope and the like. From what I've been seeing though, perhaps HTML5 really will overthrow Flash in almost everything it covered. If Super Meat Boy, Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game were all done in Flash (I may be wrong on the last two), then with enough time HTML5 may just be able to do that as well.

    My thanks again, Ashley, newt and wilfryed!

  • Me and a few friends are currently developing an Action RPG akin to Legend of Mana on the Playstation. We're currently using Construct Classic to build it but we'd really like to be able to export the game to the Mac also once it's done.

    After seeing Ashley's post of Construct 2's HTML5 games being wrapped in Awesomium as an .exe (and possibly as a .dmg file too?) I can see how HTML5 may actually be viable as a multiplatform solution for Construct even if it's not exactly exporting as a native-run program.

    The question I have is, would Construct 2 really be the right choice for our project? It's going to be a really big game with lots of hand-drawn animation per sprite on 720p backgrounds and we don't intend (or even see it as a good idea) on it being ever run in a browser. Is HTML5 at its current state strong enough to handle an RPG of that scale? I really don't want to switch IDE's. We're currently looking at GameMaker which I still find clunky and from working with Construct Classic for around two years now I just find it hard to let go of our lovely and robust event system.

    I can't seem to link any screenshots for some reason so if you need a more visual idea of how the game would be like, here's a link to our devblog.

    Thanks for your time, guys and I'm hoping for good news. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • While Construct 2's HTML5 focus allows for multiplatform releases, the lack of power the technology currently has (or may never have, who knows?) can be severely limiting for more bigger ideas.

    Construct Classic while (in my opinion) being more powerful has less official support now and is maintained by the community. It's in dire need of an update and stability fixes from my experience as it crashes way too often with big projects.

    If someone somehow makes export modules for Classic that allow it to compile games that'll work on Mac, Xbox 360 (probably via XNA) and what have you then it'll definitely be THE go-to WYSIWYG game creation program. I'm hoping someday that Scirra decides to counter YoYo Games who dropped their HTML5-only version of GameMaker for a true multiplatform GameMaker Studio.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Much thanks, newt! I'll give that a shot and yeah, I found it hellish dealing with too many global objects that one time I tried making my environments with a bunch of individual objects set to global.

    Global variables it is. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I've been wondering if there's a Private Variable workaround for this problem I'm having or if I should even be worrying about this at all.

    <img src="" border="0" />


    The player character in my project has a bunch of variables on the HUD that's currently set to global (HP, SP, lvl, name, profile, cash, rsc, rscCount, assist, assistState & buff), I hear using too many global variables can slow down a game though (not sure if this is true as I have yet to see it happen).

    If I change layouts when the character collides with the layout boundary or a warp hotspot, the variables reflect any changes that happened in the previous layout.


    If I choose to use private variables instead, when the character moves to another layout, the variables reset to their defaults because the character object isn't marked as global.

    When the character is marked as global though, on layout change, another instance of the character is spawned that causes conflicts with the "Center view" attribute. Destroying the character object at the end of the layout resets the variables too.

    If global variables don't slow down the game (again, I'm not sure of this being true) then this wouldn't be something I'd bother avoiding but if it does then I'd like to know any solutions for using private variables whose changes stay throughout layout changes otherwise I might just end up with way too many global variables which include unlocks, assist delays, weather, day phase, combo count and the basic variables (HP, SP, etc.) for about 5 separate characters due to possible multiplayer that I'd like to implement.

    Many thanks for any help offered.

  • I only found this effect now and wanted to thank R0J0hound for it. I really needed a way to replace specific colors of sprites for my project instead of having multiple clones with different colors.

    This will come in very handy.

  • Much thanks for the help tulamide, I suspected it had to do with substrings but I didn't know how exactly to use them.

    I'll try and play around with it later with your guide and hopefully I'll be able to get it to work. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm trying to implement a command input window in my game (pretty much like debug console functions in certain PC games) and I'm currently having trouble regarding a certain function.

    Say I want to spawn a coin worth 5 gold, I'd create an event where if when you press "RETURN" and the text displayed is ".spawncoin5g" then it'll spawn one of that object, that's all working fine.

    But if I want to spawn 10 of those with just one command like ".spawncoin5g 10" how can I code it so that the system checks for two separate words?

    Any help is much appreciated.

  • 9 posts