Bl4ckSh33p's Forum Posts

  • Hi. I am working on a new app for the game "The Escapists". It's like the GalCiv3 companion App but with a few new features like collecting currency to unlock extras. Its still an very early alpha and most features are missing but new content will be added soon.

    I am currently looking for ideas how to collect currency (minigame? for reading other entries in the app? for each visit?) to unlock hints and extras.

    You can find the current alpha here:

  • If that is the case I hope it will be in C3 then.

  • Hi. Sometimes it would be nice to be able to check on what layout the player is without the need to add a global variable to store the layout name in.

    Like this: X CurrentLayout="Titlescreen" >> Show BackButton

    (X = inverted)

    This would automatically show the "back" button on all layouts which are not the title screen. Would be much faster and easier for some tasks.

    /edit: oops! Just found the layout name in System > Compare two values in the System category. So never mind.

    I have this on a global event sheet included in all layouts now and it works fine:

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  • Hi. The view Grid and snap to grid features are very useful but it would be great if you could add (global) guidelines which are shown as colored line to always know where some elements are or which regions are free to use. Maybe with a ruler on top and on the left side where pixels are shown and if you click you can add a new guideline and make it global or change settings via rightclick maybe?

  • Hi. After closing C2 Steam says its still running but I cant find it in my task manager to kill the process. I need to "kill" Steam to exit because C2 is stuck.

    It happens almost everytime I close C2 but I get no error from C2. But I can not restart it because Steam thinks its already running.

    How can I kill the C2 process? How is it called?

  • Chrome on iOS does not work.

  • Problem Description

    I rightclicked to close all tabs but this one (launch page of project) (maybe doublerightclicked by accident) and then I got this error:


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Last clicked tab is NULL

    Condition: last_clicked_tabwnd != NULL

    File: MainFrm.cpp

    Line: 1924

    Function: void __cdecl CMainFrame::OnCloseAllButTab(void)

    Build: release 196.2 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C

    to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit

    (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abbrechen Wiederholen Ignorieren


    If I try to run C2 again Steam says its already running but I cant find it in my task manager. And when I try to close Steam it says I need to close C2 first.

    Whats the name of C2 in Task Manager usually?

    Operating System and Service Pack

    latest Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Thanks for the update! It works on iOS Safari now but in PC Internet Explorer is still stuck when the loading screen has finished.

    Can anyone else test it with IE please? >

  • Just tried it and I can't open it. It says it was saved with r196.

  • I hope it can be fixed soon. :/

    Can I just disable beta updates in Steam to get the latest stable build back and load the project even if I edited some lines with r196?

  • Nice! Hope we can see more of it soon.

  • Problem Description

    I don't know if this is just a local problem because I have only one iOS Device here, but after updating to r196 and uploading my app again it just shows a black/blank screen. I deleted all browser data on my iPhone but its still showing a black screen. It works fine on PC (Chrome+Firefox) but IE shows only the loading page and is stuck there.

    I did only change one line of code on a layout which is not loaded at startup (fixed a setX). So the only differenc is the export from r196 on the affected layout. Is there something broken?

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Observed Result

    The screen stays black or is stuck at loading screen.

    Expected Result

    should load next layout to show intro (first run) or newspage.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: NO
    • FireFox: NO
    • Internet Explorer: YES
    • Safari (iOS): YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    latest Windows 8.1 and iPhone with iOS 8

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Awesome! I wish I could make graphics like some of you do.

    Beaverlicious its a new turn based 4X strategy game from Stardock and the successor of Galactic Civilizations II, one of the best 4X games I know (with great AI).

    I published a few updates today and made many improvements. More content will be added in the next few days.

    I made already some other apps with C2 like "ESORA" (ESO Research Assistant). C2 is not just great for games.

  • I published several new builds today and improved the main navigation menu on top (should no longer get stuck or overlap) and the overal stability. Some new FAQ were added too and more is coming over the next few days. Please let me know your opinion.

    Latest changes (German):


    • Das Navigationsmenü oben wurde überarbeitet und sollte jetzt nicht mehr manchmal hängen bleiben oder überlappen
    • Das Navigationsmenü oben kann jetzt nach links und rechts gescrollt werden indem einfach nach links oder rechts gewischt bzw. linksgeklickt und gezogen wird
    • Der Ladebildschirm sollte nun korrekt anzeigen ob eine Aktualisierung geladen wird und automatisch die Seite neu laden damit die Änderungen wirksam werden


    • Der e-Mail Link auf der "Über" Seite funktioniert jetzt wieder
    • Zurück-Buttons wurden bei weiteren Datenbankseiten hinzugefügt um zur Übersicht zurückzukehren
    • Neue Einträge wurden in die "Häufig gestellten Fragen" (FAQ) hinzugefügt (Anforderungen)


    • Neuer Ladebildschirm (systemunabhängige Fortschrittsanzeige)
    • "Zurück zur Übersicht" Button (Datenbank) wurde verkleinert und ist jetzt unten in der Navigationsleiste


    • Kleine Fehler im Navigationsmenü behoben (Video lief manchmal im Hintergrund weiter)
    • Unsichtbare/verdeckte Objekte sollten nicht länger anklickbar sein
    • Neue Einblendung beim Freischalten eines Erfolgs hinzugefügt (Erfolge sind immer noch in Arbeit)


    • Kleine Tipp-/Übersetzungsfehler in der Datenbank korrigiert


    • Neue Hintergrundmusik
    • Neuer Cursor
    • Zivilisationen zur Datenbank hinzugefügt (mehr Details folgen bald!)


    • Angefangen an Erfolgen/Freischaltungen zu arbeiten (mehr kommt bald!)
    • "GalCiv3 kaufen" Button repariert
  • I dont know why but it showed the proper "Downloading update" text a few times now, but the code did not change. o.O

    I added some Wait commands to simulate animated text and will continue to test it tomorrow.

    Current code:

    But I would still be glad to hear about your own experiences with custom loadingscreens and if there have been issues.