Bl4ckSh33p's Forum Posts

  • Thank you very much for the suggestions and examples!

    I used a button to save the data for now cause "On End of Layout" does not work when the app closes like described in the manual.

    I hope Ashley can confirm if it is a bug or bad wording or if I just missed the point with "End of Layout" not triggering when closing the app.

  • Hi. I tried the builtin "sort" action but there are no options for it and it does sort in a weird way. Uppercase letters are listed before lowercase like this:







    But I want it to sort by ABC regardless of upper/lowercase. Is it possible to use different sort options?

  • I created some kind of banner/ad app which loads external images and URLs from a Textfile and I plan to add modding support to some extent for my next project.

    The manual mentions to use .AsJSON for dictionary or other objects to download/share a level or data with other players and let them import the JSON string or download it from a SQL database with a PHP file (AJAX GET/Post).

  • Hi. I finally managed to make my app available for WinPhone (Win10 Universal) by adding the ARM package but I got many reports that the app crashes on WinPhone.

    I could not find the reason for it yet and it seems to run fine on PC as app. (but I noticed it crashes sometimes in Safari on iOS when I export as HTML5 too). Is there anything wrong with Win10 Exports for Phone or does anyone know some things I could try to prevent crashing? The app does not use any fancy mods or complicated things. It just shows some sprites and text.

    If you have a Win10 phone please take a look at it here and tell me if it works for you:

  • hi. I noticed that long text blocks (text plugin) are smaller in preview/export than in c2. Is there something I can do to prevent this?

    Here is an example:

    Text in C2: ... 621511.png

    Text in Preview: ... 621525.png

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Problem Description

    Repeat to setting does not seem to work and sometimes has unexpected results.

    The default setting of 0 still shows the last frame every time and not frame 0.

    I tried different settings and repeat counts but never got the expected result. When I set it to 1 it showed frame 0 when I had a Sprite with 2 frames.

    Attach a Capx ... eatTo.capx

    Description of Capx

    3 Sprite instances with 3 anims each with different Repeat to.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Set Repeat to for an animation

    Observed Result

    Always shows the last frame if repeat count is 1 and not the "repeat to" frame. And if you repeat several times the frame number in "repeat to" is not shown.

    Expected Result

    after x repeat the last frame should be the one entered in "Repeat to"

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES
    • EDGE: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win10 64bit with all updates

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Ashley It would be great if this could be expanded to allow multiple IDs like this:

    On Start of layout: if Mobile > Show banner ID for Mobile

    Else > Show banner ID for pc/tablet

    But adding a new banner for mobile does not only change the banner ID it also changes the app id. So both should be different.

    [quote:ugjg7xix]OverwatchCompanionBanner AppID: b0fcsdfsff-xxxx-dddddd-zzzzz-cdsdf607776 ID: 297764 (Banner PC/Tablet )

    OverwatchCompanionMobile AppID: ecasdf70-dddddd-eeeeee-sssssss-454sfdsd40efdc5 ID: 300249 (Banner Mobiltelefon)

  • Thanks for the suggestion I already thought about something like this with functions but this wont work when closing the app/game.

    I think I just add a "Save" Button for now until I can find a sultion for that and add signal when switching layouts.

    Saving on every "tap object" may be a bit too much?

    PixelPower Thanks for the links but the one above is broken. Can you repost it please?

    I will take a look at them.

    Is the manual not accurate Ashley? What is meant with "when the project closes"? I tried to show a Browser > Alert popup window "on End of layout" and it works on reload or layout switch but if you Browser>Close or just close the browser tab the actions are not executed and no popup appears. Maybe the manual should be more detailed about this or is it a bug?

  • Thanks. I did not upload mobile screens and exported for x86 cause "any cpu" when creating packages does not work with PubCenter ads. I try if they work when testing with ARM.

  • Thank you. I will try to add it.

    But end of layout does not execute when you close the preview/app?

    I tried to wait for signal in "On End of Layout" but it does not seem to work.

    The help says: [quote:3g6ot3ck]On end of layout

    Triggered when the layout is ending. This can happen when the project goes to a different layout or when the project closes.

    But even with Browser > Close instead of just closing the tab/browser it does not seem to trigger the actions.

  • oops. I looked at the whole list 2 times but could not see it. Seems it was already too late when I tried to find it. Thanks.

  • Hi. It seems the current animation is not available as a value anywhere. So there is no way to get the current animation name without using extra instance vars, right?

    Maybe this could be added?

  • does it work if you just multiplicate the value with -1?

    Value * (-1) = invertedValue?

    Im a total math noob so dont be mad if its wrong.

  • Maybe if I put switching layouts in a function?

    Like this:

    On End of Layout > Save to local storage, Call function

    in Function: On Data saved > switch layout?

    But what happens when closing the app? Will it execute the function code first?

    I will try a few things but any suggestions are very welcome.

    The current code looks like this:

    (line 6 is left over and doing nothing )

  • Only "Prepare Interstitial" has an Ad ID. Show Banner can only define position and size but no ID. This one is taken from the Plugin.

    I did not use interstitial yet but as far as I know its screen filling? And there are no positioning options.

    (PS: Setting a fixed position for banners to show up would be nice, if you maximize a portrait app the banner in a corner is in the black window outside of the app/game.)