bkdove's Forum Posts

  • You are probably on start of the layout try to load a game state that doesn't exist. That would explained why it works only on your pc.

    you were right, I checked this morning. the problem is solved by adding the "onloadfailed" action on the startup. after the first start it works properly. thank you!

  • how can I make sure that a game state exists in the exported file?

    I am pretty sure that the game is saved because it keeps the global variables after a restart and the load action.

  • SImply using system actions. The problem does not appear on my PC but only when I try to open the exported gamefile on different PCs with windows 7.

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  • Yes, loading and saving with node-webkit.

    I'm testing the prototype on some different PCs but the result is the same:

    My game has one savegame (keeping the player status, the hiscore and the game stats) that loads on startup. When I export the project with node-webkit the game doesn't start (it freezes on the load page). If I export the game without the save/load actions, it works properly.

    Any solution?

  • Hi everybody

    any chance to export a game with savegames using the node-webkit tool?

    thank you in advance