bilgekaan's Forum Posts

  • JLH1964 No problem!

  • > JLH1964 Sorry to hear that. What was the bug? Did you report it?


    Another user already reported the issue. It's supposedly fixed and will be in r90.

    I guess it's frustrating for me because I was initially against the subscription model as I didn't want to waste my allotted time if C3 was as buggy as C2. So after being constanly told to "get over it" and C3 was wonderful, I swallowed my pride and bought a license. The same day I go my license, I was blocked by the Admob bug.

    So here we are 5 days later, still blocked and still paying.

    It should be fixed then, the latest version is 90.2 : ... s/beta/r90

  • Try Construct 3

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  • JLH1964 Sorry to hear that. What was the bug? Did you report it?

  • > Hello, I´m new here, I currently use GameSalad and I am evaluating changing engine, although I think GS is great, now I need an engine that gives me more possibilities.

    > I'm evaluating using Construct 3, I want to focus on 2D games, for me this is a big step and that is why I want to be as safe as possible. For this reason, I made a list of things that I would like to be sure are possible in C3 and also that these are not a dark science


    > I appreciate the answers you can give me to each of these points (these go in no particular order):


    > 1- when developing for mobile devices, you have to adapt to many resolutions and different aspect ratios, how do you solve this in C3?


    > 2- the process of exporting to the different platforms (iOS, Android, PC, Steam, Consoles?) that is so simple or complicated? C3 provides everything necessary?


    > 3- in terms of performance, in case you want to use physics with tens or hundreds of objects interacting and colliding, how does it behave? Is there any "but" in this area?


    > 4- in GameSalad, if you want to make a pixelated game you can not scale the sprites, because GS does not have the "neighbor neighbor" resample mode, that is, it does not keep the hard edges. How is it in C3?


    > 5- I know that multiplayer projects in real time are out of my reach, however I would like to be able to make games with multiplayer offline or in turns, is it possible to develop them with C3 comfortable way? What is required?


    > 6- I would like my games to access an external web or database, and get information from outside the app, is this possible? It is contemplated?


    > 7- Are push notifications available? this is something missing in GameSalad


    > 8- Finally, GameSalad has tables, which allow the entry and management of game data in a very comfortable way, being able to export them and import them from a spreadsheet. Is there something similar here?


    > I have many more things that I would like to know, however these are the core and I would like to be sure that they are available in C3 before taking the leap.


    > Thank you very much!


    For "2.", if exporting for Android with ads, it's currently not working. If exporting for iOs, you need a whole different Mac computer running XCode. So no, not easy.

    Did you try it? As far as I know, android with ads is working.

  • > If you're looking for an alternative admob plugin try UltimateAds by TobyR. I've spent a bit of time testing different ads plugins and I can say UltimateAds is the best one I've used. It just works as u'd expect. And the dev is v helpful if u have questions.


    Can you still use the C3 "build APK" with the UltimateAds plugin? Or do you have to use Cocoon etc?

    Ideally, I'd like Scirra to fix what I already paid for.

    If I understood correctly, the problem was only in preview mode and it's fixed in r90.

    By disabling, I only meant for Previewing, as it works when exporting to APK.

    As for previewing, should be in r90, and yes the new beta. Should be by tuesday when they usually release it.

    Forget Cadburry lol The guy never responds

  • No problem!

  • You can sell your games with personal license. If you have a registered business, you need to subscribe the business license.

    It says you can make money with any paid plan. (Scroll down to Monetisation tab:

    There are two types of business license:


    Only business where annual revenue is or is forecast to be less than $50,000 USD* and net assets are less than $100,000 USD* are permitted to purchase this license. If you exceed either of those limits, you must purchase the Standard Business License.


    For businesses and organisation where annual revenue is greater than or forecast to exceed $50,000 USD* or net assets are valued at more than $100,000 USD*. ... 3/business

  • Hey JLH1964 , It's not $149, it's $99 if you don't have a business. If you have a registered business you should be able to pay $149 per year. (BTW 99$ is cheaper than Netflix or Spotify.)

    You've already opened threads/written posts and we get it you don't like the subscription. Construct Team says it's a better model for them and many of us agree with them. You say they will fail but even developers don't subscribe it there is a huge education market for them.

    You're repeating the same things and wasting your energy. You can make games or templates or get freelance jobs to pay your C3 subscription.

  • +1

    I agree with some criticism, and it is required to make the product better (for e.g. people asking for a Steam Plugin).

    There is an official Steam plugin for C3: ... greenworks

  • > Hello! I am thinking to buy Construct 3 and I was wondering what are the best advantages compared to 2? One of the things I like the most is that you can properly use Google Play for mobile, but I am not sure this is enough to convince me to buy it. So those who bought it, can you share your opinions? (I am interested in using it for gaining some income, not just for fun). Thank you!



    I haven't used C3 but have used C2 to create monetized apps. In my opinion, if your goal is to monetize, I would look more closely at Android Studio. Android Studio will create a pure APK that is not reliant on plugins to run AdMob etc.

    I just had delete a number of C2 created apps from a Google Play account because the Cordova plugin that C2 required was a security risk. That was a lot of work wasted.

    C3 has official mobile exporter and ads plugin. ... ile-advert ... truct-3-19 ... le-apps-26

    • Post link icon

    I hate to be a little bit harsh, but people complaining about the cost of subscription I can't really understand. People who don't like browser based, I can get their point but I haven't seen any good cost/subscription arguments.

    If you're a semi professional trying to earn money from your games and you're not even earning enough to cover the yearly fee of the development tool you use, you're probably doing something wrong. If your games aren't even bringing in 99 per year, how do you ever expect to pay for any staff costs in the future, or marketing, or anything else?

    If you're a hobbyist. Game dev is relatively cheap hobby. Even a gym card usually cost more. Buy a musical instrument, and rent a place to practice with your band? Even the bus fare to sports practice few days a week probably cost more than 99 a year. Most hobby activities cost way more than game development. 99 a year is CHEAP, for a hobby.

    If you're serious about what you do, and enjoy it. 99 a year is nothing.

    One thing I do agree on though is that one reason for the Construct success have been plugins, and after C3 runtime is done, all focus should be on creating plugins, or making it easy for "non-coders" to make their own plugins/behaviours and effects and share them. Right now it feels like for such a massive community, only a handful of plugin devs are still hanging around and actively support their plugins.

    I think it was mentioned in a previous blog post that there is a plan to have something like that. I would love to contribute with plugins and behaviours if I could make them using Event sheet type of way instead of coding.


  • bilgekaan

    It's hard to predict how an object will bounce with the physics behavior without replicating all it's internal bounce code.

    I've done it before with another physics lib. The idea is i let the simulation run ahead for x amount of frames and then rewind.

    Thank you! Somewhat I managed to do it with these events. But I don't think it would work for every situation. For example, my wall's angle is always 0.

  • Hey R0J0hound , thank you for the examples. I'm using this one in my basket game: ... .capx?dl=0

    Do you have any example that shows where the ball will go after it bounces from a wall?

  • Local Storage works in Preview.

  • +1