Biim Games's Forum Posts

  • I got a job for a few months ago where I had to fix and improve a G-Develop 5 game. The job was for a bit more than 3 weeks.

    It was indeed a very frustrating experience, yes, I get used to Construct 2 (and 3), but many things are totally not user friendly at all.

    For example, figure out how to create a function was difficult, lack of proper documentation and lack of community talking about a topic like that.

    Many things makes no sense to me, like why there is no ELSE? I had to create a variable to handle all the ELSEs of the project, I could have done the same thing 10 time faster in Construct.

    Array aren't supported unless you install a plugin, and if I recall well, they are only a 1-dimension array. I had to create manually lots of conditions to simulate an Array. Thing that in construct takes just a few seconds instead of hours.

    On the other hand there where a few cases where I could do things that aren't directly doable on Construct, even if I haven't totally investigate through it, perhaps I could try with JS.

    For example, I could play a file that was on a website instead inside the project. I was also able to use synthetic voice with JS (but this I am quite sure I can try to do it with Construct as well).

    As R0J0hound said, my opinion come after having used Construct for 8 years, so my skills aren't comparable to the ones on G-Develop5. However, if I think about my first attempt with Construct 8 years ago, and the recent ones with G-Develop5, Construct was much easier to pick up.

    I want also to add that G-Develop5 is somehow similar to Construct, so coming from Construct has helped me a lot compared to when I moved to Construct with my Basic/Pascal/Cobol/Clipper and a month of Game Maker Studio experience.

    Also when I used G-Develop, I had 8 more years of programming experience on my shoulders, compared to when I started with Construct. So G-Develop had indeed a big advantage, but still failed the comparison from the point of view of difficulty in starting with the program, and if you consider how much is easy to get frustrated in the first week and give up game development, I would definitely consider Construct as your option.

    My usual advice to avoid to "waste" money is to start with the free version of Construct 2, then when the limitations stops your experiments and progress, move to the free version of C3 (register to have more events) and finally once you are ready, especially if you want to make a living with that, start with the C3 subscription.

  • I have created a new Sprite Font:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Boxed Sprite Font has a border already included with each character.

    You can use square, round or curly brackets to create different side edges styles.

    The font comes with a palette of 15 colours and there are over 2700 colour combinations with never two colours of the same type present for the character, shadow and background.

    You can buy it here:

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I am trying to publish a new asset, but I'm stuck.

    I can't set up a Maximum Discount in Site Sales during a sale and at the same time, it's a compulsory field.

    This doesn't allow to publish the asset until the sale is completed.

  • Hi mkinsi,

    Feel free to get in contact with me about your project.

    You can see some of my work on my website:

    These are old projects of mine (games, tutorials, template and client work):

    Thank you!

  • This is a project I worked on as freelancer last year:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    It was an extraordinary experience, and I am happy to have worked with such amazing people.

    It was a great feeling improve their prototype into a complete game.


    - Main Game Developer

    - Game Design and Level Design

    Main Contribution to the Project:

    - Enhance player's control

    - Create enemies' AI

    - Develop bosses' AI and mechanics

    - Improve player's interaction with the environment

    - Create the score and progress system and get it ready for back-end integration

    - Improve overall gameplay

    It's nice to see how companies have learnt to use video games not only to promote themselves but also to give everyday life advice.

    All of this, thanks to the growing popularity of the games that we have grown up with :)

  • I just want to add a few points to the discussion and keeping myself in a neutral position because I understand both side as both business owner and occasional Construct teacher.

    As stated in the past, I don't love at all the subscription model I prefer to pay more but once. Ashley and Tom already went many times on this so I understand their reasons and I am not going to argue with that. I consider therefore the current model a "Constant".

    Now, let's check the "Variables".

    I haven't read the tread about what's possible to do with 50 lines, I am well aware of the potential of Construct on expert hands after using for over 8 years. However a student that is not only learning a new software, but that is learning about programming, game design and maybe even art and music, will create a lot of not optimised code. That's understandable. It's impossible that even with a good teacher they can optimise the code by themselves without being carried on hand by hand.

    So we have 50 events, the layer and other limitations aren't really limitations for beginners, what can we do to improve it? My usual solution is to offer to my students that can't afford a C3 license (or that wants to play around with it before buying), to use C2.

    C2 is still available in its trial version, it has 100 events and 4 layers and can export in HTML5. The game can be loaded on a school website,, GameJolt and so on. There is a lot of potential to showcase the game and there is still a lot of space to experiment.

    Yes, it doesn't have the latest feature of C3 and neither its performance, plus it runs only on Windows. But, hey you get an amazing product that you can use for free without time limit and that you can get a good idea about how Construct works. Students can spend even 6 months straight on it or work on it occasionally without penalty.

    I had some student that started with C2 free edition and then after a couple of weeks they were already convinced about its potential and bought the C3 license for one year.

    I think this is the best card that give a good balance and lets everyone win. Teacher can do it without costs, students can have an unlimited time to play with the software and Scirra can get their good share of money when the student decide to become a real developer.

    The ones that will not like the tool will just move on without giving bad advertising to Construct because they paid for something that they don't like and the satisfied ones will be happy to have access to all the other extra features that makes development easier, like families for example.

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  • For its Steam launch, Creepy Mahjong is now 20% off!

  • Thank you Kyatric, I just sent you a reply to your email :-)

  • Did you know that you can play Creepy Mahjong in black & white to get the feeling of old spooky movies?

    Halloween is coming soon, and Creepy Mahjong will be available on Steam in just 2 weeks of time!

    Add it now to your wishlist!

  • Kyatric I'm currently very busy at the moment, are you in a rush for that?

    I have sent you an email anyway.


  • Hi, I would suggest you to specify what are you looking for exactly.

    Someone that work with you for free and then you share the (eventual) earning or someone that you are willing to pay for the job done.

    > That's nice some users are still active with that.

    > I never tried it, but I guess having C2, I shouldn't go back to give it a go. right?

    If you have C2, you probably won't need Classic but since it's free and open source there's nothing to lose by checking it out.

    Keep in mind it hasn't been updated in ages and can only export Windows EXEs. It's originally what piqued my interest in Construct/Scirra. It's buggy and somewhat incomplete compared to C2&C3 but I still love it.

    Yes, it was more a curiosity to give it a go, but probably will not have time for that. Good to know that anyway someone can still make something with that :-)

  • godmode6You'd better share a portfolio with your work, so people that like your style will be more likely to get in touch with you :-)

  • Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Creepy Mahjong, a dark theme mahjong solitaire, is now completed and published on!

    Started nearly 3 years ago, as a simple project to develop for fun a few days before Halloween, now Creepy Mahjong is a fully completed game!

    From its initial 5 levels, it has improved having 34 levels that follow a non-linear story. With the addition of the level editor and the possibility to share your creations thanks to encrypted code, you can have endless combinations of new levels to play.

    Creepy Mahjong has a few special rules that differentiate it from other mahjong games you might have played, without disrupting the original feeling with alienating features.

    Get your copy now and start to share your creation with your friends and in your communities.

    Until Sunday it is 34% off, at only $4.95!

    Find and share new levels here:

    ...and don't forget to let me know what do you think about it!

    Thank you!