Supposing that you have an "HUD" layer with parallax 0% where you want to position your coins after you collect them; the problem is that in your code you keep your coin in the same layer and you treat the hud coordinates the same way as the world coordinates.
What i mean is that you may have your coin at position x:2000, y:2000 in your game world. If you simply move it to x:50 y:50, you're still moving the coin in the game world.
So, what you need to do is move the coin to the HUD layer and set its position to the position the coin would have if it was on that layer to begin with. Basically you need to translate the coin coordinates from the "Game" layer to the "HUD" layer.
Here's a revised version of the code:
Note that Construct has specific expressions to make the translation easier:
CanvasToLayerX(layer, x, y)
CanvasToLayerY(layer, x, y)
LayerToCanvasX(layer, x, y)
LayerToCanvasY(layer, x, y)