thanks mystazsea for relpy this topic ... i've do like this . it's not moving .. any idea ???
i have arena like a grid view with width 64 and height 32.
i want my hero go to a any place with path finding and move by my arena ...
anyone can helps me ???
Hi, i want to ask .. Can we use dt for moving to the left or up ??? i've tried , but i get when it run . Player can't move to the left / Up. ANd why there is a little space between 8direction collision with solid. My player can't stop it perfectly ..
This what i've done .. i hope some people help me to solve this problem ...
Aphrodite .. can you give me some example in capx ..
i want create something like this ... ..
Anyone can help me ??
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
— Games, Boomlet, purpleMonkey123 .. help me please ..
What i miss ?? a collision between rectangle is not what i want .. it is move a bit from real position ?? also why bullet behaviour can go through a solid behaviour ???
help me please
this my code ..
GearGames .. if i do that my player can not double jump ... i want set a time for jumping twice ... in my capx .. i can double jump but i have to double click it fastly ..
thanks GearGames .. can i set a time for double jump .. in my capx if i don't click it twice by fast . player will not do a double jump ...
i mean a time between double touch or click ???
sorry for bad english
up ... someone can help me ???
i can simulate the player with keyboard pressed ... am i missed something ??? help me please ..
how to compare 2 string that showed the result is almost true ...
string 1 = Bill Gates
string 2 = Bill
result = almost true
is there a good way to do this ????
any idea ?? i have'nt get it
Darklinki can explain with capx .. it's hard to understand from it .
Like this , i want to know when it adjacent , score will be added .
Two brick in two box ..
box just use for rotating the brick ..
sorry i don't get it what you mean ..