BerthusY's Forum Posts

  • cranberrygame

    When i click SaveScreenCaptureToImageFile it saves a black image and opens it. The problem is not the capx but the plugin.

    Check out the black screen i shared via facebook with your advanced capx : ... =1&theater

    Check out my APK ( your updated capx) :

  • cranberrygame

    Save screen capture to image file saves black screen ?

  • FredQ

    Fixed Phonegap Share plugin errors

    Sorry for frequent inconvenience.

    Download Phonegap Share plugin, again (caution: must apply changed native plugin url)


    You can insert screen or sprite's capture image into image file (using Phonegap ScreenCapture plugin) and then share the image. (using Phonegap Share)

    To. All

    Added Phonegap ScreenCapture plugin

    Nice update.

  • Another question, how it works? Do I need create some facebook app? Or only i use this plugin and it share without apps...?

    No need for facebook app or id, it uses a alternative process, check out the demos.

  • Is there a way to post the canvas snapshot as the image when sharing to Facebook?

    It's possible with V3 now. Check your download link.

    Hey how is V3 coming along?

    V3 is live with screenshot upload function, pinterest is still in process will be available for v4 soon this week.

  • Great game, nice optimized feels like native game on my phone.

  • Do Google play rate works in crosswalk?

    Yes it does, and also facebook, google+ and twitter works in crosswalk.

  • Thanks. I bought the plugin this morning and am so far very happy with it, so thank you.

    Can I request that when you share to whatsapp it actually sends the message rather than just putting the text the box for the user to then send. This is to prevent users from editing their score before sending the message.

    As an example, see what happens when you share a video from YouTube to whatsapp, the message goes straight to send without user input.

    Nope, not possible.

    Is there anyway to share to Facebook using the app rather than the mobile browser?

    Not via this plugin, i don't know if it's possible to do that.

    Hey how is V3 coming along?

    Almost done.

  • FredQ Yes V3 will contain that feature.

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  • Ashley

    Thanks for the information.

    "We will also be looking in to IAP and ad support for Crosswalk/PhoneGap for the next beta"

    Looking forward for official plugin(s).

  • szymek

    "So why Scirra does not build their own cloud compiler based on Apache Cordova too? "

    It's because Scirra is a very small company and keeping track on 2 softwares would take a lot of time. Instead using alternative methods like CocoonJS, Crosswalk, Ejacta or Phonegap, gives more time for the developers to keep C2 up to date.

    I'm upset that instead of increasing the alternative methods Scirra tries to reduce it. Every wrapper got their bugs and problems. Crosswalk does, Ejacta does and Phonegap is not even free. When you are making X game, you use Y wrapper, because that's suits you better and Z wrapper is buggy. But when you make Q game Y wrapper is buggy, you use Z wrapper instead because it's suits you better.

    What if you have 1 wrapper to count on ? Well just wait for the next update that takes forever to have your problem fixed.

    But why stop at CocoonJS ? Why not add more wrappers to choose from.

  • r179 version update was a big disappointment, instead of giving better support for CocoonJS, Scirra decided to put it in the trash can.

    We know CocoonJS is pain in the ass but a lot of people are using it on this platform. Maybe giving the open source plugin more attention and release an official CocoonJS plugin for C2 with a small support is still the best option?

    If you think the same just post on this topic.

    Maybe I'm the only one asking for this, if it's like that I'm sorry for taking your time, Thanks!

  • Future updates are free. You can use the same link you get for downloading V2 to download new versions available freely.

  • Sorry for waiting, got a project to finish and deliver. After that i will release V3 with Pinterest and improvements for image sharing. Stay tuned.

  • StrangeyD (24 MB)

    This should help.

    Btw you can resize all 99 Frames by clicking "Resize" button and choosing "Apply to whole animation". I think 400px x 400px is a little to much.