BereLaDD33's Forum Posts

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    I just wanted to express my thanks to Ashley, Tom, and the rest of the Scirra team for producing and supporting Construct 1 and 2 over the years. I have used their products for all sorts of interactive projects and a bunch of games that I have created and released.

    It's been a lot of fun, and I thank them whole-heartedly for the one-time licensing cost all these years ago. I would have paid ten-fold the amount!

    The reason for my good-bye post is of course the subscription (rental) model that will be introduced when Construct 3 is released. I completely understand Scirra's reasons for this -

    Could you share a detailed opinion of your understanding on why they did this, as I do not comprehend this at all.

    In fact, from a business standpoint, it makes more sense to rebrand Construct 2 editor, maybe make it more stable, and slap a 3 on it. Than doing this with an HTML5 browser based editor for a subscription price.

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    What exactly is this for, no offense but HTML5 is not a compiled platform to start with. Why would anyone want to buy a service plan for an HTML5 editor?

    I mean, can anyone name any big HTML5 games that make this profitable?

    Is there a free version that has a forced splash screen? LIke unity?

    What are the benefits to paying this subscription VS one time fee?

  • hi thx for this plugin, but can you tell me how I make simple orbit in this plugin? im try to do it with polar orbit but its confusing to place the numbers

    how to calculate it for orbit around one other object from other object?

  • hm.. maybe it a bug with construct 2.. i give up

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  • hi, im trying to make a game where the player can go on platform 2d orthographic, but the platform can be anything and sometimes they rotate.

    this formula does not work:

    //from game object name "obj"

    While Obj overlap platform

    obj.dist_x = (obj.X - platform.X)

    obj.dist_y = (obj.Y - platform.Y)

    //below is this formula -> radius = sqrt ( (dist_x)^2 + (dist_y)^2 ) to find distance of points between obj and platform vectors

    obj.radiusToPlatform = sqrt( (obj.dist_x * obj.dist_x) + (obj.dist_y * obj.dist_y) )

    //below I find in research that atan2(dist_y, dist_x) == angle(0, 0, dist_x, dist_y) in construcyt 2 game engine... so i use it this way, but i mean this: "atan2(dist_y, dist_x) + platform.angle"

    obj.angleToPlatform = angle(0, 0, obj.dist_x, obj._dist_y) + platform.angle

    //now i set position on top of platform and make sure to factor rotation and angle of it

    obj.X = platform.X + obj.radiusToPlatform * cos(obj.angleToPlatform)

    obj.Y = platform.Y + obj.radiusToPlatform * sin(obj.angleToPlatform)


    anyway this does not work in construct 2 game engine, why???

    other game engines this is standard and works fine.

    pls, moving at angle does not works well. it is bad.

    to explain I need object to not slide around but move with rotation like on a train. or stage platform orthographic view. but still stay in local coordinates the same....... pin movement does not allow offset x and y or added movement, this is not good.

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