bentwonk's Forum Posts

  • [quote:iv6j299v]hi,

    we still wait for the new capx (probably with some fixing bugs)

    because the first one on the main page not working


    The examples capx and plugin on the first post are working fine for me, there are a few functions the js photon version has which would be welcome additions to the C2 plugin, but so far the plug in has been able to do everything I need for a low traffic multiplayer game on IoS/HTML5/Android.

    The issue I had was not having the correct ports open on all machines, so the problem was at my end, and not with plugin.

  • I am pretty sure its the pool capx at the start of this thread

  • Try Construct 3

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  • bentwonk,

    Thanks for feedback.

    [quote:tl712fgf]I note there is a "joinRandomRoom no match found" event, could there also be an event for non random rooms, along the lines off "roomNotFound"

    Errors other than "onJoinRandomRoomNoMatchFound" can be handled via Photon."On Error" event. Log Photon.ErrorCode and Photon.ErrorMessage to get an idea which codes are for which events. 32766 / "A game with the specified id already exist" is for creating room with existing name for instance.

    I found if two players start at the same time (common when running two windows in construct), the first will start creating a room, which is recognized by the second player, but its not complete enough for the second to join (as this output log demonstrates)

    Joined lobby

    Room list recieved length 0

    Creating Room: "TestRoom9871"

    A game with the specified id already exist./32766

    Joining Room: "TestRoom9871"

    Game does not exist/32758 <--- player 2 left hanging

    Added a second test case on the error for 32758 fixes this, eg:

    Photon On Error

    Photon.ErrorCode=32766 : Photon Joining room TestRoom9871

    - or -

    Photon.ErrorCode=32758 : Photon Joining room TestRoom9871

    results in:

    Joined lobby

    Room list recieved length 0

    Creating Room: "TestRoom9871"

    A game with the specified id already exist./32766

    Joining Room: "TestRoom9871"

    Game does not exist/32758

    Joining Room: "TestRoom9871"

    Game does not exist/32758

    Joining Room: "TestRoom9871"

    On join room "TestRoom9871", my actorNr = 2 <-- player 2 joins

  • Thank you for your quick response.

    I tested again, it appears that some network port /or possible firewall is blocking photon on some of the machines ( NameServer peer error 3001 followed by peer timeout 3004).

    The finished app is being used in schools and they often their networks quite firmly locked down especially with regards to media (to prevent kids watching youtube all day)

    What ports does photon need open?

    I have found ... rt-numbers

    but want to know whats the minimum open port set required.

  • Currently I get the following error when running the test in an iPad, in either safari or chrome:

    NameServer peer connect failed. ws://

    Works fine on other platforms.

    No iPad support is a downer, I hoped photon would save me going to websocket directly, hope I am doing something wrong.

    update: Tried both the provided demos (after adding AppID number) on iPad (iPad Air 2 64GB), and got the same error.

  • matrix

    I am testing it now, only got as far as getting the logging, rooms, peer and host arrangements to how I need them, but so far, so good, I will keep you posted.

    However I think success will depend on the nature of the game, if photon is has to resort to web-socket on IoS, and Server / Host messaging, then it would only really suitable for games that do not need constant, near instant communication, so FPS, fighting or racing game could be an issue, but turn based, puzzle and some RTS designs would probably be fine.

  • matrix, its at the start of this thread

  • Update : Reading the online docs, looks like I want the 'JoinOrCreateRoom" function found on other platforms.

    I also would find OpFindFriends and OnOperationResponse ( particularly trigger too OnPhotonJoinRoomFailed) useful, if you looking for feedback.

    Plan to use the plugin, it looks great, one question, I want the user to join a predetermined room, but do not know if it exists or needs to be created by the first user.

    I note there is a "joinRandomRoom no match found" event, could there also be an event for non random rooms, along the lines off "roomNotFound" ?

    Otherwise I will search the returned roomlist, and create if I cannot find it, my concern is this might start race states between players as to who creates the room first.

    Hmm, just occurred to me, will the roomlist be length zero if no rooms of a specific name are found? I could test on that.

    PS: photon.add interest group has a typo in it, appearing as "Add Interest gorup" in the editor.

  • How do I detect if the user has pressed the browsers back button when running on the desktop?

    the browser "On back button" seems limited to mobile, is there a way to detect it in desktop, so I can add an "Are you sure?" alert before the player exits the game.



  • Been using construct fairly seriously for a couple of months, and am impressed.

    Here are a few what I hope are helpful suggestions for making the it even better.

    1: Removing parameters: Usually I want to remove a specific parameter, rather than the last one, so I have to copy paste each parameter up one row, and delete last. It would be better if each parameter had its own delete icon. Same goes for adding parameters, often I want to insert them, rather than append them.

    2 :Search : If I highlight an event block while using search, when I clear the search I would like the display to go to the block highlighted, rather than have to find it again.

    3: Local variables, currently I have to add a global, then drag it within a block to make it local, this isn't very intuitive, and not mentioned in the manual.

    4: Merging a layout / event sheet from another project can be a pain, the editor will stop when it encounters the first missing resource, what would be great is if it told you all the missing resources, rather than just the first one. Currently you have to fix it one at a time, rather than in one hit.

    5: Snapshot : To be able to set the start location and width height of a snapshot, rather than grab the whole screen.

    Also every day I wish for Linux support.

  • Finding construct 2's checkboxes a little limiting I created my own which support images, radio button groups, and display only check boxes.

    Thought others may find it useful so I share it here.

    The boxes do not have text, as I find in practice I usually want more control over the layout, obviously text boxes can be added to provide labels.

  • Hi

    I want to pass a couple of variables to construct, from the webpage that hosts it.

    eg index.html?sessionId=23

    or in php it could be

    $sessionId = isset($_SESSION["session_id"]) ? $_SESSION["session_id"] : "---";

    How can I access session variable when construct starts up?



  • I have a similar question, passing session variables upon start up, I will tell you if I get an answer

    update: I ended up passing them in the URL and using Browser.QueryParam()

  • Essential plugin for anyone who wants to use Ajax.

    One small issue, for some reason, it was generating an error for me, adding a closing </i> to edittime.js line 160 fixed it.


    <b>Merge <i>Table(s) AsJSON</b>

    changed too

    <b>Merge <i>Table(s) AsJSON</i></b>

  • one solution, pass the whole json as a query pair, eg:


    then decode on in the PHP at the other end with:

    $jsonIn=(isset($_POST['json'])) ? $_POST['json'] : "";


    and access using array notation.