beni92's Forum Posts

  • i still need help? How do I? :/

  • Can please someone help me solving my problem? Please

  • Hi there

    I have an issue with firefox. I have a function which creates a random map for me. It's like two "for" loops, which go threw the hole map. But while these loops are running, the whole browser is waiting for them to finish. How do i let them run, while i show a "wait please, game is loading window" or something like that.

    Thanks greatfully (and sorry for my bad english)

  • sved: jea thats right toolbars are my best friends

    : didn't know this function, but a toolbar would be nice

    Black2key and tarkion: Thanks for your appreciation

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  • Hei there,

    I have a small but powerfull improvement suggestion.

    In Visual Studio in the designer i have those buttons (see sreenshot) which help me with layouting. They have alot of use by making everything smooth and oriented.


    If you could build this, that would be nice

    I really like Construct2

    Best regards


  • Wow, thanks a lot

  • thanks for your respond, but still only 1111111. If i do it with a global variable it works, but i donot want to have many global vals, and i would have to reset them every time. I donot like this kind of code. Why a global if a local would be enough :/

  • Can't set a breakpoint, it always says "cannot set breaktpoint here .."


    I also tried it outside of the function, still not working.

    Thats why i have the Text, and the Text gets 1111111111

    thanks for your help

  • Is there any workaround expect a global variable?

  • In both examples the text gets 111111111

  • But why, if I use a local variable in c# i make a method with a variable if i declare the variable not inside the loop but inside the function it won't be set to zero or what ever again

    private int xy()


    int a = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)




    return a;


    the return value would be 9 and not 0. Whats the difference?

  • Hi there,

    I have some issues with local variables.

    My counter2 variable always gets zero again after running the loop once. I have tried 3 ways. Once with a global variable (worked). After it I tried the two ways in my Screenshots (Didn't work)




    Thanks for your Help