benhigg's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Personally for Globals. I like to make a Dictionary set it to global. Then make my globals in that object. I personally don't like cluttering up the variable scope with lot's of var globals.

    So there you go. Proper globals associated with a class rather that floating in memory space.

    I like this solution. I'll be using it for now. Seems obvious now that you say it.

  • I wouldn't mind having global variables be located somewhere other than on the event sheet, and organizing them into categories would be great. Hadn't really thought about this before, but now that I do it would be awesome.

  • I made this puzzle game last night and today, and I could easily finish it tonight, but I'm running into an issue. No one can beat it. I'm starting to think the method I used may make it literally impossible to solve, so I'm hoping someone with more experience in math and pattern recognition might be able to prove me wrong.

    Anyone out there that solves Rubik's Cubes blindfolded for fun? This might be up your alley.

    Seriously, i need some feedback. Can anyone complete the puzzle? Do I have to rebuild the whole basis for the game?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I'd read it. Problem was a stupid mistake in my logic. Whoops.

    Don't know why the link didn't work. I copied it directly from OneDrive.

    Now, on to the rest of the weirdnesses I'm running into.

  • I made a little test project using the multiplayer update. The goal is to make a server based system similar to the multiplayer game demo, but the host doesn't play. For the demo I made a little spaceship game and got the movement working, but when I tried to get firing to work, I couldn't get it to fire just a single time when you push the button. I tried multiple ways, but every time it keeps firing repeatedly. Looking at it in debug, I see that the variables or bools that I use to try to stop it from firing change correctly, but it still keeps firing.

    Here's the capx:

    Sorry about the lack of commenting. I was just throwing it together for myself quick.

    There's a bunch of other weird things that I haven't gotten to yet. For now I'm just trying to get this portion to work. I'm testing it on two computers inside the same network. No idea if that has anything to do with it. I also haven't tried more than one peer yet, just working first on getting it to work once.

  • Anyone making any money off their games yet? I've got almost 1000 downloads of the free version of my game and a little less than 100 of the trial for the paid version, with 11 actual sales. Overall, I've made about $20. Not overly impressive, but the game is in a fairly obscure category. One thing that's stood out to me, actually, is the chart that shows the average sales of apps for the top 5 games in the kids games category is 3-5 per day. Not that great, really.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Happy Windows 8 Day everyone! Wooooohooooooo!!!!

    Okay, I might be a little over excited.

    Side note: Anyone figured out any good methods of promoting Windows 8 apps? I'm still struggling to find something.

  • If you want a tablet that can be used for development, you'll want one with Windows 8. Windows RT will not allow you to install anything that doesn't come from the Windows Store, except through using remote debugging. So you won't be able to install Construct 2 or Visual Studio or anything like that.

    If you want one for testing or just general use, Windows RT is fine. It's basically a limited version of Windows 8 that is made specifically for tablets, while the full version works great on tablets, laptops, and desktops.

    As far as which specific one to buy? I have no idea. I've only gotten to know the older tablets, not the ones specifically made with Windows 8 in mind. Just know that the RT tablets are going to be cheaper, since they're made with lower power and less expensive hardware.

    I don't think WebGL works in Windows 8 right now, unfortunately. Don't know if that will change in the future. Awesomium exports to an .exe file, so that won't work on RT, because, as I said, it will only allow you to run programs installed off of the Windows Store.

  • Bubble Pop! now has a 24 hour free trial, and there is a free version with ads. Next Friday cannot get here any sooner.

  • Bubble Pop! is in the store, thanks to iunkn and his plugin.

    Bubble Pop!

    I have a new version coming out soon, and a free version with ad support.

    It's not much of a "game", but people who play it love it, especially kids.

  • Anyone tried this? I'm having a tough time getting this to work. Basically, the game screen covers up the ad, or it just doesn't work together for some reason. If I make the game screen smaller and move the ad to the side, it shrinks the game screen about twice what it should and the ad still doesn't show.

    The game itself works great in Windows 8 and is already on the store, but I wanted a free version with ads as well.

  • 11 posts