bclikesyou's Forum Posts

  • Thanks to everyone who tried the demo out! Again if you haven't, download it for free here and let me know what you think!

    Took a good 2 weeks off of development but now I'm back!

    Working on my Level 2 tileset. This level is called "Maynard Forest" and when you start out, it's nighttime. As you progress, it will become morning and the tileset color scheme will shift to represent that. This is the base tileset and I will adjust the color hues to represent night, morning, and day time.

  • Bummed to hear that. How exactly do you know the # of assets a project has? I just spent 10 minutes looking but I feel like I'm missing the obvious answer here...

  • Glad to see the improved performance.

    Question about the Mac export red loading bar: is there a work-around or are you just not offering a Mac build? I believe The Last Penelope and Airscape got around it by using Mac exports from NodeWebkit.

    I just released a retro-platformer demo (entire 1st level) and had no red loading bar issues on my Mac builds; granted there weren't a ton of assets. I'm just trying to think proactively here as my game will get larger

  • Voted! Enjoyed the demo and love the style. Looking forward to this one.

  • My demo is currently on itch.io!


  • frcol Did you hit "B" to continue the dialogue? That's the first line of dialogue so it was able to load past the title screen...

    Did you try keyboard or controller? And what OS are you using?

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  • Nagval333 Sorry about that. The YT link was for the music videos that the game was based on.

    byondisoft Thanks for trying it out! I appreciate it! And yeah, it's gotten some comparisons to Megaman. Don't mind that at all

  • sielxm3d thanks!

  • Awlrighty! I played through the demo and here comes some comments:

    • Music is awesome!
    • Right shift as a gun key is not a good choice. I died a few times because of the sticky key window popping up.
    • For movement, I know that WASD is a popular and used one but it makes my wrist hurt after 15 minutes. That is just because of the positioning of W
    • There is a good difficulty. I died a few times before I reached the Foreman and had to re-start twice. Mostly because I had a wrong approach at the towers that wake up in RAE's proximity.
    • The tools that give more health are sometimes behind a bit too much trouble but once I thought of a few moves, I got better.

    I look forward to more of the story

    Thanks for playing the demo and for the recommendations! I plan to make the controls customizable for the full release as well as 3 difficulty settings.

  • The demo for A Small Robot Story is now available! Feel free to give it a download and let me know about any issues.

    Get the demo here: http://bclikesyou.itch.io/a-small-robot-story-demo

  • The demo is up on itch.io! Please try it out and let me know if you run in to any serious issues. Thanks!


  • Stickers!

    And the demo will be out tomorrow! I'll be sure to update this thread...a few times

  • The wrapper that scirra uses is open source. If Ashley or the other devs found a problem in it, a bug that affects the export, they could indeed propose a patch. Since of it's open source nature, nw.js also gets bug fixes and development from other projects that rely on it.

    The only case where a fork would be needed is when scirra's wrapper needs code that makes it compatible only with construct2 and breaks for the other communities.

    You go solo on the wrapper and then what? Suddenly you have only scirra developers working on the wrapper and all that open source community gone - your wrapper is actually being developed slower than nw.js since much less people are working on it, only C2 community using it.

    So I dont understand why so many folks want scirra to make another wrapper instead of using and contributing to an open source one.

    To give up on that in exchange for what? What would be the advantage of having another wrapper project developed solely for construct2, that is close source?

    Thanks for clearing that up!

  • I dont want to promote this thread really as it has been done to death. Just one point i would like to make is this. At the moment we rely on NW.js for the desktop. Now i know the latest version 13. whatever is still in beta so we can expect problems, however it would be really positive if Scirra could somehow create a Fork or even produce their own wrapper. Exports would still be HTML but at least we wouldnt be tied to a third party for the desktop. NW.js has been in beta for ages and who knows it could be dropped at any time then where would we be?

    As far as i see this is not a request for a native export, rather a Scirra controlled wrapper.

    I'd love to see a comment on this as well. Maybe I'm naive and don't understand how much work goes in to NW.js but Scirra making their own wrapper seems like a good idea...

  • Alternatively, if you don't mind plugins.


    +1 for this. I LOVE this plugin. Did exactly what I wanted it to do. No issues on nw.js export either.