The wrapper that scirra uses is open source. If
Ashley or the other devs found a problem in it, a bug that affects the export, they could indeed propose a patch. Since of it's open source nature, nw.js also gets bug fixes and development from other projects that rely on it.
The only case where a fork would be needed is when scirra's wrapper needs code that makes it compatible only with construct2 and breaks for the other communities.
You go solo on the wrapper and then what? Suddenly you have only scirra developers working on the wrapper and all that open source community gone - your wrapper is actually being developed slower than nw.js since much less people are working on it, only C2 community using it.
So I dont understand why so many folks want scirra to make another wrapper instead of using and contributing to an open source one.
To give up on that in exchange for what? What would be the advantage of having another wrapper project developed solely for construct2, that is close source?
Thanks for clearing that up!