BBaller1337's Forum Posts

    [quote:37gxlfz4]No offense, this game contains "Pokemon" word in screenshot, they would definetly refuse due to copyright, you need to learn about legal.

    Nintendo, is like dealing with a devil. I suggest you need to learn the advices from other developers who were accepted by Nintendo.

    As a developer who was accepted by Nintendo, I can confirm that dealing with Nintendo is not like dealing with a devil.

    Also to publish games you're going to need to be over 18 years old and probably have your own company, you also have to make everything yourself (it has to be all your property, both the assets and the IP). Just saying.

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  • Well I fixed it using a sprite object instead, but what I did was:

    • For "layout 1", I created a layer at the top of the layer list called "BlackFade" that was a layer consisting of a black background with an opacity of 0
    • Ran a code that increased the opacity over time from 0 to 100, giving a fade-to-black effect

    This part worked fine.

    • I then went to the next layout, which we can call "layout 2"
    • On that layout, I pressed a button to go BACK to the original layout
    • Upon doing so, the layer was still black as if though it had never restored the original opacity value of the layer, which after some testing, seems to have actually been the case.

    I can't reset the opacity to 0 at the end of the fade or it will show the original screen for a split-second, and I can't reset a layer on layout 1 while I'm currently on layout 2

    My solution was to use a sprite object instead of a layer, which fixed it, but the entire event still represents an issue where the status/values/whatever for layers are being saved from one layout to another, giving potential to various other problems in the future.

    As far as what I quoted, you said "try using the effect on layout instead of the layout. Layout, layout? Was that intended and I'm missing something? Entirely possible given my general lack of knowledge/experience, but it threw me off regardless.

  • Sorry, no, I'm not using any real effects (using canvas2d renderer, not WebGL).

    [quote:192l6tls]Also try using the effect on layout instead of the layout.

    What do you mean by this?

    Sorry for the lack of information/explanation, due to the nature of the project I also can't post any files but I'll try to elaborate more in the future.

  • Hi there,

    My problem is essentially this:

    I created a function that fades to black before switching layouts. It works great, but after coming back to the original layout, the screen is black. After lots of testing and frustration, the problem seems to be that the black layer I created is not reset--the opacity remains 100%, so the black layer covers up the screen. Trying to manually revert while keeping the execution of the fade isn't really possible not to mention kind of silly to do IMO--the layer should get reset if you ask me, though I'm not a very knowledgeable person.

    I could probably fix this by not using a layer, but I'm curious as to why this is the case and how I could fix it, if possible, since it might become troublesome at a later stage.

    EDIT: On a random side-note, how do you move an object out of a folder? Dragging the object onto the up arrow that I use to go up a directory doesn't work.

  • Well, that's certainly a helpful lead. I don't really get how it works but I'll play around and see what I can do and bump this if I have any more specific questions or something. Thanks =)

  • Hi there.

    My problem is in short that I want to have an object be able to sort of... patrol a certain area. They don't necessarily need the AI to chase after something, but what I would like is for say an enemy to be able to travel in some area and shoot lasers (think like an invader from Space Invaders) while doing so with full control over where they face and where they move (the actual shooting algorithm I've got down).

    Specific examples:

    • Moving in a horizontal line left and right; note that this isn't necessarily between two objects (it could be between two arbitrary points in space) and that I have to watch how many objects I'm using so adding in a ton of little solid objects to collide with and having them bounce off them or whatever is not preferred and if possible I'd really like to avoid it.
    • Once the above is done, going vertically should be no problem
    • After that, moving in a V shape and a square/box shape would be nice
    • Moving in a circle would be a final great thing but it's not necessary at all, I'd rather get everything else working and this would just be a bonus if it happens to be relatively easy.

    I tried doing a check for collisions but I have this problem where it checks for the collision, reverses the direction, and presumably ends up colliding with the same object again right after, and so it doesn't keep going in that direction... and I spent a while tweaking it and trying to think up weird solutions but in the end forfeited here because I think there should be a pretty easy way to do this and that I simply can't think of it and ultimately none of my solutions really worked, nevermind how tedious and inefficient they were turning out to be.

    Some notes:

    • my code's pretty much totally broken now and just has a foreach loop for every "MovingTurret" and also checks if it's on screen (I say don't bother moving turrets that can't be seen)
    • I have an object limit and I'm trying to keep things relatively efficient in order to keep the framerate up amongst other things. Inserting a bunch of fake collider walls is not only inefficient but tedious given how many of these I could end up having.
    • They don't all have to work the same way, I can create multiple separate objects for each type of movement if needed (though I'd prefer the linear movements work for the same object type...).
    • I'm currently using an 8 directional movement behavior but if something else is better for this, by all means, I guess.

    Let me know what I can do to help you help me, haha. I did some searches here but couldn't really find what I was looking for, so sorry if something almost exactly like this has been asked before (I feel like it probably has but eh...). Thanks!

  • So you're saying have different events for like, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, for instance? You could maybe use a for loop... I dunno if it's worth it if you don't have a lot of points though

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