batto's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • > Hello... Im working in a platform, local, pvp game with 2 xbox 360 gamepads. I can set my gamepads but when the game starts, automatically the player1 is configured with the first gamepad in which I press a button. It does not matter if it is the gamepad0 or 1.


    > Excuse my english


    I think the number is detected by which controller is detected first, this implies that sometimes you need to press a key, and then the first one that presses the key becomes Gamepad0, the next Gamepad1, and so on

    Exactly! I made another layer without the second Gamepad activate and works perfect

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  • Hello... Im working in a platform, local, pvp game with 2 xbox 360 gamepads. I can set my gamepads but when the game starts, automatically the player1 is configured with the first gamepad in which I press a button. It does not matter if it is the gamepad0 or 1.

    Excuse my english

  • 2 posts