Bateria de Jogos's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • ooooooo........ Burvey, I have an idea of what may have occurred ....

    I do not have Windows 8.1 for compile.. sorry ....

  • I have enemies on the scene that are persistent, when the user uses the PAUSE command, exchange for a layout that would be the MENU. Then he returns and enemies continue the above actions. However, when they die they do not come back again ... what to do?

  • ooooooo........ Burvey, I have an idea of what may have occurred ....

  • Thanks de Jogos

    You can Play iceangel? Good!!! Do you like the game?

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  • hum..... in my PC with Windows 7 don't have problem..... thanks for debug my game..... i'm loking for a solution..

  • ???Windows?

    Use the mouse to enter the game? ... erro is in menu title?

  • Where's the game?

    You can play now!

  • Ok... Now i have reputation for put the links!!!!

  • Xbox Kinect with Construct 2..... a dreammnnnnm....

  • (EN-US)

    I participated in two editions of the Global Game Jam and 3 Ludum Dare. Instead of talking about myself (something you may tire of reading and can ask me another time, kkkk), I will present what I think and why I'm here.

    For myself, games speak more of the people and their esxpressão needs. When I create something, I always try to think of those who actually will play. I believe the gaming world found me in a very good phase of its growth. I have created more than 30 games, finished off several of them, I say, completed its development, finding that the only way we learn to create concepts that actually add up to people's lives.

    Being here means not only that I use Contruct 2 Scirra, but it makes me feel that I can be part of something bigger, with people who want to give others part of your point of view and thus give them unique experiences and meaningful to their lives.

    I hope I can contribute, share and innovate in a collaborative and intelligent way. I started this universe with his left foot, but I think now I have the maturity to work with all of you.

    Pleasure .. Luiz, how can I help?


    Participei de 2 edições do Global Game Jam e 3 do Ludum Dare. Ao invés de falar sobre minha pessoa (algo que vocês podem cansar de ler e podem me perguntar em outro momento, kkkk), irei apresentar do que penso e porquê estou aqui.

    Para minha pessoa, jogos falam mais das pessoas e suas necessidades de esxpressão. Quando crio algo, tento pensar sempre naqueles que de fato irão jogar. Acredito que o universo de jogos me encontrou em uma fase muito boa de seu crescimento. Já criei mais de 30 jogos, finalizei vários deles, digo, completei seu desenvolvimento, descobrindo que somente assim aprendemos a criar conceitos que de fato somem para a vida das pessoas.

    Estar aqui não significa apenas que utilizo o Contruct 2 da Scirra, mas me faz sentir que posso fazer parte de algo maior, com pessoas que querem conceder a outras pessoas parte do seu ponto de vista e assim dar a elas experiências unicas e significativas para suas vidas.

    Espero que eu possa contribuir, compartilhar e inovar, de forma colaborativa e inteligente. Iniciei neste universo com o pé esquerdo, mas acredito que agora tenho maturidade para colaborar com todos vocês.

    Prazer.. Luiz, como posso ajudar?

  • Hello everybody , I would like to share the game created with Construct 2 during the Global Game Jam 2015 game ( GGJ ) . I hope you enjoy . All sound material , art and code was made ​​entirely by the participants within 48 hours.

    Team Page:

    Game Video:

    Synopsis: Game Page: Video: Synopsis: A family lives alone in a cabin. The father, the daugther and the son. The father tries to teach his sons how to live in this dangerous world. But one day, he is one that will need their help. Having their father fall ill to a disease, the brothers will have to travel through the wilds to a place where they can get help. Or should they stay and wait for someone to come? Should they carry their father or leave him behind? How can they decide what should they do? The game is a plataform/puzzle, where you control Amy, a 10 years old girl and her six years old brother, Moshe. They are left alone with their father, who lies unconscious because of a disease. Being so young, both of them don't know exactly what to do in this situation, since they relied on their father to do everything. Their father always warned them that other people are dangerous, and should be avoided at all costs. Their society succumbed long ago, so long that even the father never lived or knew any big city. He would always tell scary story to his sons, saying how dangerous is the world outside their home. Now, Amy and Moshe have to face the real dangers of the world and the nightmarish visions of their imaginations to save their father.


    • Geraldo Pereira (geraldo pereira)
    • Luiz Fernando Reinoso (rocketroebr)
    • Rafael de Alvarenga Rosa (axelmetal)
    • Gustavo Nobre Wotikoski (Lukahart)
    • Alcimar Pereira (alcimar pereira)
  • [PT]Obrigado pela informa??o!! Obrigado e sorte! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    [EN]Thanks for the info! Thanks and luck!

  • Games made ??in Construct 2 can be made available on Steam?

  • 14 posts