Hey! I am relatively new to Construct 2 and I was looking for some advice on a project that I am working on. Using Construct 2, I am trying to show how H2 and O2 molecules react when you add energy (in the form of a sprite) to the container. I tried setting it so when Energy collides with Oxygen, they both are destroyed along with 2 Hydrogen sprites and 2 Water sprites are produced. The only issue is, ALL of the water gets destroyed... I then tried to mess around with global variables and see if I could make it so when the global variable notices -2 to Hydrogen, then it destroys 2 Hydrogen sprites. Any ideas?
Any Input is helpful drive.google.com/open?id=0B7bFgGCJ0UWUfkwtcl94MWg5T0czdjdPQTNoa1dFOGFSVTJiZjFwR3R4WDVXR3ViODVQWWM&authuser=0