Bartosh's Forum Posts

  • For me its a mater of what do i do?

    Over the years I've systematically broke down all the large hurtles using CC for my mega game project. and am now ready for the difficult process of putting them all together.

    But CC is so unstable on large projects, and is doomed to obscurity as far as the devs are concerned.

    Its just a bad idea for me to attempt my mega project with it.

    and C2, and HTML5, just seem a LONG ways from being were I need it to be.

    so it's out of the picture. I guess I need to start looking else were.

    but I think i'm done with gamemakers, I've spent the last 5 years using one, waiting on the day it would be version 1.0, I still have a list of things that have "wait for V 1.0" on them. that day never came, and never will.

    so fool me once and all that..

    That's not a jab at the construct dev team. they were making it for free.

    an they still managed to make the best darn game-maker I've ever seen.

    but putting my faith in others systems just seems like a bad idea.

    I think I'll just start strait coding my projects, its going to be hard to start all over again. but at least code never really goes obsolete.

    But first I got some projects I'd like to let people see. and they need a bit more work. so I'm here till that's done.


    To all the newer people on CC:

    CC can do amazing things, and can teach you a lot.

    But never forget. Your on a sinking ship.

  • A deep heart-felt thank you for all the help over the years. and best wishes on your future pursuits, and health.


    In total honesty I've been struggling with the same issues as far as construct is concerned.

    Looks like I'm fallowing your lead.

    I'll probably be leaving soon for similar reasons, just got to finish packing my things.

  • just add the tank head, and the detector, to the tank body container.

    its an option under groups in the property panel.

    it basically makes objects linked to each other

    its extremely useful.

  • Ok? Were doing this? alright then...


    I'm sorry C2 just doesn't feel right. like I said, I used it, its got some cool stuff going, i really love the interface, in particular how in handles global values and arrays.

    however it really doesn't seem like it was ever intended to support projects heavily reliant on client side resources or processor speed.

    you CAN make them, but its really inconvenient.

    and a lot of the more advance features you would have to do thru custom plugins.

    witch you would have to wright in JavaScript.

    making it not much of a game maker, more of a game engine at that point.

    the default system seems to be designed for small browser stile games


    Conversely Construct has surprised me over and over with what I can get away with just inside the vanilla program. I really do love the thing.

    I've been using it heavily for over 5 years now. and there's seriously never been an idea I have gone to it with, and the thing not be able to handle.

    However when I've tried to put it all together. something stupid happens., and the whole thing becomes a mess of offset icons and random syntax errors. you can still cross the finish line, nothing is ever critically wrong with it, but the interface at that point is not very easy to use.

    I would love to see a REAL sequel to construct.

    and maybe C2 really is that. its just never felt like it.

    Maybe its just that the cutesy ,Comic Sans , "Were so Wacky", baby's first game-maker, web site overhaul just left a bad taste in my mouth.

    C1 was created as a counter product to clickteams MMF. with the attitude of creating a game making program as a legitimate rival to strait code scripting.

    the whole thing felt like you were on the cutting edge of some unknown tool that was going to revolutionise how games could be made.I really beveled that. I even donated to the project...witch is a big deal for me.

    Now every time I go to the site I just go "Good God...what am i doing with my life?"

    as if I've dedicated the last 5 years to trying to become the

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    ... instead of learning a REAL instrument.

  • Fixed it

    the other file dialog conditions are saving the array before it can load

    just come up with beter conditions in event 42/44/46

    not leftclick on "nacti" or "uloz"

    maby have a global value change to say if your saving or loading.

    left click on "nacti" set global(saveload) to 1

    left click on "uloz" set global(saveload) to 0

    global (saveload)=1

    file dialog ok


    global (saveload)=0

    file dialog ok


  • hey crowtongue did you actually get the array to load? I went thru his code and did that, but the array still wont load.

    you actually don't even need the clear array action, loading an array loads over everything.

  • I was just trying to be funny.

    the guy just had a simple 1 sentence question, that started this whole off the rails flame war in the help section.


    but it turns out there's other people who have the same sense of abandonment and animosity towards the new engine like i do.

    I think its a good idea to have this conversation. just the help forum nobody go's too anymore seems like a weird place for it.

  • I know you got your pick, and i definitely think a bamboo is a good starter table.

    but I'm just going to throw this hidden gem out there.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Got mine for around $300

    the company discontinued production. so you have to get them on ebay.

    Things amazing.

  • See what you did dxzone12? we don't talk about payment on this forum for a reason.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Nah your right, making my little A* algorithm in C2 I realized how much things had improved, and some of the things I've seen in html 5 are rather amazing.

    I'm just dishearten to see all my work become obsolete..

    but none of this has anything to do with dxzone12's question.

    I'll just make a new post in the general forum at some point and get this melodramatic stuff off my chest .

  • I have so many ideas it's stupid...

    I seriously have 4 large bins of papers about game ideas...

    ...ideas are cheap...

    people with dedication and perseverance willing to fallow thru with there ideas, on the other hand, are not so common.

  • I'm lazy and don't want to deal with getting the SpriteFont.csx plugin needed to open your cap.

    just explain exactly whats going on, or upload a different file without that plugin and i can help.

  • Fixed:

    well first off the firing event needs to go above the subtract from fire event. or changed to less than or equal.or change event 12 to random(4)+1

    other wise you will get a random initial number of zero, witch will become -1, witch causes the robot not to shoot.

    unless of course that's intentional. its your game, you do what you want.


    there needs to be a for each robot condition in event 14.

    whats happening is 2 or more robots are firing at the same time, but only one bullet that's created is getting its angle and speed changed.


    Its always something to do with "for each" when it comes to problems with multiple instances of the same object.

  • construct just has some issues so deeply rooted that it was easier for the creators to start from the ground up than tackle them.

    That would have been fine.

    except with the new version the dev team decided to go in the direction of every other game-maker.

    leaving the original construct lying in a gutter, full of holes.

    I loved the idea behind construct, however the developers didn't

    Now it seems to me, ether you can still use C1 and try to get as far as you can before some debilitating error causes it to implode.

    or simplify your ambitions, pay up, and make a iPhone game.

    or just...move on...

    personally. I'm torn..

  • I really like how you handled urges using timedelta. It makes everything so much more elegant.

    My current system was a mess of conditions and random numbers.


    just a note for people about Modulo, it can be very cpu intensive if called to much in a single loop.

    I tried to use it in my A* algorithm to simplify the code. but it slowed it down to about half the normal search speed.
