BarneyGumble44's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • hello again,

    we are now able to present a first prototye of our game... (~12MB, version without sound)

    thanks for your help, especially to 'deadeye'

    we would be very happy about some feedback. there are some bugs that we still deal with, but at least it is playable...

    let us know, what you think.

  • Hi deadeye

    We really appreciate your help! After thinking about the whole thing again, we decided to change our concept a little bit. In the current version the soldier is attached to a gibbet that appears as soon as the three cannonballs are wasted. The gibbet, as well as the soldier fade in. When the soldier collides with a castle element, he fades out and a new soldier appears under the gibbet. Or at least, that's what it should do. When you take a short look at our project, you'll see that there is a problem: the soldier doesn't fade out correctly, only parts of it. And as a result of this, the new soldier doesn't get spawned. There must be some kind of logical issue in the event sheet "es_gameMechanics" - but we can't figure it out. Can you help us?

  • thx again

    we now moved every object to the proper spot and then created the hinges...

    but as you can see, the knight falls apart right from the beginning. It seems that the thing with the hinges doesn't work

    any ideas?

  • Okay, thanks, we switched to using containers and put all the bodyparts in one. As far as I understand the concept of containers, if I spawn one object of the container, the other ones get spawned automatically as well. The problem is, that hinges which I defined for bodyparts earlier at the start of the layout seem to get ignored and the bodyparts are spawned un-hinged (and still at the very same coordinates they are in the layout editor as well). Any idea what we're doing wrong ?

    Also, since we started including sounds, is there any quick-and-easy solution to play a sound once (and only once) when a collision between objects happens ? (On collision with object => xaudio2 autoplay sound starts like ten different instances of the same sound, probably because the collision seems to last for a while)


    barneygumble44 & der_luemmel

  • ok, I checked that, but the sprite spawning the family members is not in that family. any other ideas what might cause the problem ?

    cheers, barneygumble44

    edit: I forgot, the game is supposed to go like this: You've got 3 catapult balls each round and if you don't manage to destroy the castle using them, you start catapulting your very catapult crew . The crewman character consists of five individual sprites hinged together and organized into a family, the problem occurs when I want to spawn the family and only individual members (bodyparts, that is) get spawned.

  • Another problem I encountered is that when I try to spawn a family (of sprites) on an image point of another sprite, it merely spawns randomly selected (at least it seems to me that way) family members. Please help ...

  • Thanks again . I tried a ForEach loop that gets invoked every 10 milliseconds (just for testing purposes) and checks if the sum of the absolute .velocityX and .velocityY of each single wall instance is zero (thus indicating the wall elements to be "settled"). However, it seems to pick only one instance, although the documentation of system conditions/loops states that a Compare Values-event , if placed below/in a ForEach loop, picks every single object instance. Am I overlooking something important here ?

  • Thanks deadeye, you're fantastic ;D. Small problem, though, the ballcounter.cap doesn't open correctly (on both my machines) (runtime error/abnormal program termination), could the file be corrupt or something ?

    As for the game over issue - yes, that's exactly what I meant

  • Thanks for your help - again ;D. However, I encountered another two problems where I'm afraid I also might need your valuable assistance :

    First, I'd like to implement some kind of ball counter showing the remaining amount of balls left represented by little ball icons. So I figure you'd have to spawn as many ball sprite instances as a ballcounter variable counts - any ideas on what might be the easiest way to achieve that ? (especially the spawning part)

    Second, I'd like to define a "game over" state that ends the game. The problem is that having used the (indeed quite valuable) 'forbidden area sprite'-workaround I still don't have any means to make sure that the scene has "settled". This very problem becomes apparent when all my balls are fired away (and eventually destroyed) and the castle is in the process of falling apart but still within the bounding of the forbidden area sprite. Any ideas on that ?

    Thanks in advance !!

  • ok, i tried this one:

    + NOT spr_castleelement01 (Pick) AND spr_forbiddenArea (pick) are overlapping

    + create Object spr_catapultball (just to see, if it works)

    but it starts spawning catapultballs from the beginning. why?

    looks quite funny, but it's not what I expected

  • hello again,

    thx for the help...

    this is what we have so far

    i tried to implement this "forbidden area" thing by Madster...

    [quote:2od4xfzw]yeah I did this once. Also you need to make sure the scene has "settled".

    What I did is check collision on a "forbidden area" sprite, and if nothing had touched it for a while, go ftw.

    I created a new sprite that defines the forbidden area and added an event like this:

    + NOT on collision between spr_ForbiddenArea and spr_castleelement01

    + do something like open a text message

    ... but it simply does nothing! how can I make this work? and how can I make sure the scene has "settled"?

  • thanks again, but I'm afraid there's still a problem: because a few wall elements are already below the line right from the very start, the "you win" scenario gets activated immediately. is there a simple way around this ?

  • wow! thank you very very much. it's so simple and already fun to play with

    the next thing i will try to implement is some kind of imaginary line that crosses the screen. only when all polygons of the castle lie below this line, the castle can be considered as "destroyed". any ideas how i can implement this?

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  • Hi,

    Right now I am working on a simple game with physic objects. It's goal is to destroy a building with some kind of projectile (e.g. cannonball + catapult). Here is a first screenshot to visualize my ideas...

    The building on the right side, as well as the cannonball on the left are made up of objects with physical behavior. So far so good. Now my problem: I want to integrate a Drag&Drop control for the catapult. The player should have the possibility to drag the left part of the catapult down and then let go in the right moment. The further he drags it down, the more impulse is given to the cannonball. Is this kind of control possible in Construct? And how?

  • 14 posts