Barleyarley's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Finished and submitted my first ever game jam game! Congrats to everyone else who has already submitted also.

    Game is called 30 Seconds of Night and can be played on the arcade:

    Ludum Dare page here:

    <img src="" border="0" />

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    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I'm going to be taking part in this as my first jam! If anyone is interested in teaming up for this let me know, even if no one is interested I'll be doing it anyway, but it'd be good to work with a few others to help motivate one another and see how other people like to work.

  • Hi all!

    I'm currently working on a twin-stick top-down shooter and the primary form of input right now is a gamepad. The basic setup is similar to other twin-stick games; the left stick is used for strafing (moving your character up, down, left, right) and the right stick is used for rotating your character to aim.

    This is the first time I've used the gamepad function (I'm not hugely experienced with Construct just yet). Getting the strafing to work on the left stick was extremely simple and worked right away, but I haven't been able to find a smooth solution to rotating the player with the right stick. The best I have come up with so far is getting it to snap to 8 different 45 degree angles, which is far from ideal.

    I couldn't find a tutorial on this after searching on a couple of different occasions, but apologies if there is one and I've missed it. If anyone has come up with a solution to this themselves though I'd greatly appreciate some help! If you need any more information let me know, I can also provide a .capx if necessary.

    Thanks, Ashley

  • Thanks very much!

  • New to the forums, so sorry if the answer to this is obvious and I have missed it. But are there any sure-fire online multiplayer solutions for Construct 2 (using plugins or otherwise) that someone could point me towards?

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  • Hi All,

    I've been playing with Construct for a little while, making the odd prototype, etc, but have just recently made the decision to work on a fully realised project with it. Because of this I thought I would get involved with the forum and meet some other budding developers!

    I actually work in the game industry in a non-development capacity (marketing to be precise), but I'm working to build up a portfolio of work that can help me move over into design eventually, so I'm looking to work with some other people, join some game jams and ultimately put together some projects of my own at the same time. I look forward to chatting with many of you in the future!

  • 6 posts