baleixo's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    my game behaves like this

    1. click button

    2. objects destroyed

    3. user finds path to exit

    What happens is that between 2 and 3 i have to regenerate obstacles map since layout has changed.

    The events are

    regenerate obstacles map and then


    The only way i made this to work was to introduce a delay between regenerate path and findpath. Like wait 1 seconds.

    Is this the only way to work ? is there a event that would trigger when regenerate obstacles ends calculations ?



  • thanks!!!!

  • Thanks. I�m using version 139 but can�t see the option amazon store on export like its said in the tutorial. Is this a plugin?

    "In Construct 2, choose Export project and select Amazon Appstore"

  • Hello,

    given the recent announcement regarding html5 apps on amazon store, what format should we use in exporting the app ? Since no longer i need to use cocoon or other similar engine.



  • Hi,

    i�m having issues with the back button. I�ve exported the sample Project without any changes but the back buttons is still not working. Am i missing something ? i�ve followed the guide on the tutorial. Do i need to copy the plugin folder to the Visual Studio path ? or change something ?

    thanks a lot


  • Hello everyone,

    here is my newest game. Feedback is appreciated



  • Hello,

    can someone give me advice on the best way to implement try/buy for android marketplace ?

    Thanks a lot


  • Hello everyone,

    finally my first game on windows 8 with construct 2 is available :) thanks a lot for all the help i got from scirra and users from the forum.

    In case you want to check it out.

  • Hello,

    i�m running into a issue, that on the startup screen i do a test to see if on trial mode. The problem is that when i put this on the project load time increases and app failed to get approved on the store.

    Any workarounds ? what is the best way to test if istrial ?


  • thanks for the reply ... i will see if dictionary helps here so that i can make the loops agnostics to the families.

  • Hello,

    i have several layouts. Logic is the same but objects are different. So what i�m trying to avoid is having to repeat for each event sheet the same code.

    I have iteraccion like Foreach FamilyObjectA do something.

    On the second layout i do the same but with other Family type.

    Is it possible to pass a family as parameter ou dynamically change family members ?

    Thanks a lot

  • Hello,

    the behavior im looking for is: when touching sprite action happens (like glow e.g). If i release the touch but not on the sprite it will do nothing but if i release the touch on that sprite it will move to other layout.

    So basically i need to compare if touching end is on a specific object .

    How can i do it ?

    Thanks a lot


  • Hello,

    probably a basic one, but being a newbie :)

    i call myfunction. On that function i�m trying to call a function from a plugin (in this case the bit plugin from yann) like Bit.And and always get the error that event trigger but function call ....

    I only was able to call this using the plugin from rexrainbow function2 but being this a basic thing probably there is a simpler way.



  • thanks!

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  • Hello,

    i have several objects connected between them with lines. I would like to evaluate the output on each object if i change one of them. Like if i click obj A then call myfucnevaluateALL that would go to all objects see inputs and change output .

    How can i do that ?