Bahamur's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • If its okay can you show me a screenshot of what these events would look like?

  • Alright, seems legit, ill give it a go, thanks!

  • I want it so when the player presses 'space' the player goes through an attack animation and when it collides with the enemy it subtracts health from it, to ti then reverting back into the normal idle position for the player to progress with the game. I tried a tutorial of Jerminator online but it hasn't worked. Help please. Its a sidescroller metroidvania game and the attack is a melee.

  • So when I add the instance variable to my character sprite how do I make it switch in between values?

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  • I'm sure mostly all of anyone reading this knows the games Megaman and Indivisible so you'll know you are able to switch freely between weapons and power-ups. I am making a platformer, metroidvania level inspired by Indivisible for college and I've gotten quite far with it, but one thing that I can't figure out is how to change weapons like Megaman or Indivisible.

    I haven't even figured out how to make my character preform an attack. Please help me!

  • Can I use this kit to create a short game using sprites and backgrounds made using PhotoShop? Or to be frank a game that visually looks like Skull Girls or Indivisible?

  • 6 posts