BACLog's Forum Posts

  • Hi there BACLog, I know this thread is probably long dead but I love your camera script and wondered if I could secure your help in adapting it to my game?

    Sorry for the late response, I would be willing to assist you in any issues you are having with your games camera.

    Feel free to Email me at I unfortunately rarely check these forums now days.

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  • Just curious as to why you wanted to avoid arrays?

    If i were creating this sort of system i would definitely use

    an array and maybe a dictionary.

  • Don't mind at all post it up so i can see.

  • hey mattrix, i think i still have the old test capx i worked on, i can share it with you but i honestly have not looked at it in a long time.

    what portions are you having trouble with. i can give you some help if you need it. ... .capx?dl=0

    link to .capx


  • Sounds like what your engine needs is edge nudging,

    a kind of "behind the scenes help".

    its pretty much because the player is falling at such a speed where one frame he is above the hole and the next he is below the hole a solid (the left wall in that instance) is always colliding with the player.

    you need to check when ever the player is not on the ground and wall is to left or right is there an open space or closed space and if open "boost" (or move) the player into that open space. i do it with the built in platform behavior all the time. it pretty much just checks on grid the game is built on (normaly 16x16 if pixel art) one above one below the player -8 as the speed i had was the player would fall past at a speed that made him only ever infront of the opening and half the grid height. if the check returned an open tile the player would move into it i also had a variable to ensure it only happened once per jump (would have to land on the floor again before it reset and would "boost" the player again) to not let the player know this was happening.

    Ledge forgiveness is the same, in pixel games the characters sometimes move faster than the grid lines up making the player think they pressed jump when they were on the floor but in reality the player moved so fast they pressed it after the player left the platform but had yet to begin decent. in this instance i would have events in place to still have the jump action performed so the player would not feel like "this game is cheap and just didn't let me jump"

    so while the engine is good, extra things can go in to help it. if i get time later i can try and look at the capx and see if i can add edge nudging.

  • but if I have a solution for the ball's straight-bouncing).

    On what ever code you have it to bounce ( i assume on collision) have a variable record the previous angle, if the new angle is oldangle + or - 180 have it set the angle to add a random number within like 20-30. should stop the straight up and down.

    Super Galaxy Start Busters - Great graphics and sound. This really felt like an older arcade game for sure. From the title screen, to the bad translation. Excellent work! I'm really looking forward to playing this on stream with a friend. As far as single player goes, you have some great AI going, the only thing missing is a score to brag to your friends about.

    Thank you, reading this made me feel great.

    The game is sort of a mash up of war tech senko no ronde as well as zero wing (bad translations) and clasic neogeo fighting games. really was a blast trying to recreate the type of games i loved as a kid.

    The AI was rushed and has flaws but he did his job, I hope all the extra game functions were easily found. (shield deflecting back bullets, megaman style charge shot, locking on and disengaging lock on to shoot the asteroids as well and shield deflecting the asteroids to launch them at the enemy player and the pick ups.)

    Making a score system would have been really fun, I think me and my teammate are going to add the extra features we planned on having (like 4 distinctly different ships, multiple rounds, and online vs mode)

    If anything though the 3 and a half days i poured into making this were some of the absolute best i've had in years.

    I haven't had much time to do anything game dev related in almost 2 years. so this game jam had me knocking off all the rust accumulated from not using C2 at all in months and even longer for anything complicated.

    I picked up some new skills along the way of getting back my old set. who knew photoshop was a good pixel art program for fast pixel art when on a time constraint.

    Dan fesslers HD index Painting tutorial helped me make my large scale galaxy backgrounds while not wasting hours dot by dot pixel pushing.

    a must read for anyone who wants a fast result that looks decent, just like digital painting but get a nice retro look.

  • So I finished my entry to the game jam,

    It's a throw back to all the badly translated Japanese shooter games as well as arcade vs games in general.

    complete with bad voice acting and over the top long name (super galaxy start busters : the search for the galaxy master).

    I had a lot of fun working with my team Danger Kings to complete this game on time.

    check it out, best played with a friend as the AI is really basic due to time constraints.

  • Make sure all of the random modifiers are at 0

    (period random, period offset random, and magnitude random) these will add a random value based on the number entered to give each sine a slight difference.

  • yeahhhhh~ the sticky topic helps a lot. it has some awesome stuff in there.

  • the reason this happened is because the "is in touch" is a constant where as "any touch start" is a trigger event. triggers will play the events once during the triggered action where as constant will play the events as long as the action is true.

  • This is easy, no variables needed

    touch > on any touch start > simulate "player" platform movement jump

    touch > on any touch end & player.platform player is falling (inverted so player isnt falling) > set player Y vector to 0

    basically the inverted player is falling action will make it so you cant just tap over and over to get some hang time in the air.

    done and done.

  • camera follow is on a lerp, the walk cycle and character in general is more of a place holder till i get to the polish stages

  • Created a one level simple platformer in the span of 3 hours. all animations and sprite work was completed in this time frame and was merely as a means of getting back into the swing of C2 (been busy for quite sometime and have not worked on my actual game project in over 2 months, figured this was a good exercise to get back into using c2)

    Basic game with a simple premise, find the key hidden in the level and open one of 2 doors in the level,

    the game should have enough hints to help someone who has no idea how to play it,

    up arrow to jump, left/right arrow to walk, and the down arrow to open the doors after collecting the key.

    as of right now the game is only one level long, as i put most of the time polishing the simple look and feel of the game.

    made a basic camera system which i am still on the fence about, some people might be put off by the speed at which the camera moves, i might add a center camera on player function if the player is not in the air for a set amount of time.

    hints- try leaps of faith.

  • For the record, in case you're wondering, I MIGHT consider using this as a base for my own game... if it's improved somewhat. I'd be sure to credit you. And I'd probably replace Megaman with a different protagonist, such as someone from Rosenkreuzstilette.

    By all means go ahead.

    I made this as a means to help people get an idea of how to do such actions in a game, less than just swapping images and sprites and more of a learning point, hence all the explanation in the event sheet.

    my original hope was to remake a level from a classic megaman game in c2 but as i worked on this (probably 8 or 9 hours of work has gone into this engine currently) I realized i would need to replay the classic megaman games more to get a better feel of the game mechanics. I love looking at games i enjoy and playing them again with this new found angle of approach.

    in the past i would just play the game for enjoyment now i play the game for enjoyment and as a learning experience.

    i pay attention to enemy placement, to the paths available on screen, to all the small visual cues that make the game feel more and more polished.

    i have issues finding the right values for megaman's move and jump speed/strength.

    also i think i used an event that has on release of jump to set the players y vector at -1 when i should have used "player.platform.vectory-player.platform.vectory" so it just sets the player to fall and removes all upward inertia.

    either way lots of little things have changed since i made this.

  • Yeah, the engine is no where near complete.

    to stop the slide bug you are talking about, i planned to make a "slide detector" sprite which would be an invisible rectangle the size of the player hit box, (64,32 if i remember right) and from there just have the engine check if any solids are in collision with the detector if true set the "slide" variable on the player box to 1.

    just never got around to doing it.

    the megaman styled boss door camera needs to be overhauled completely as it is just a testament to how badly i did not understand camera function during the time i created this file.

    i might work on this more today as i have some down time and you brought to my attention the file again and it just hurts seeing all the mistakes i made, also construct 2 has gained so many updates since the files creation.