BackItch's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Hello there and thanks for checking out my project!

    I'm making a side-scrolling platform game for my wife, who absolutely loves her stuffed Hippo.

    Here's a picture of him in action at the workplace:

    <img src="" border="0">

    He gets into all sorts of trouble! This game will be about him striking back at thing things that bother him.

    Here's a link to the game itself:

    Here's a list of completed features:

    • Double-jump
    • Two aerial attacks
    • 3-hit combo attack
    • Dash attack
    • Swimming in lava and water
    • Two place-holder enemies
    • Basic health-bars
    • Simple parallax scrolling background

    Features I intend to add:

    • Animations
    • Sounds and music
    • More unique enemies + AI
    • Health pick-ups
    • Coin pick-ups
    • More levels
    • Snow + rain effects

    Please give it a try and let me know if there's any errors or if you have any ideas for things I can add! This is my first game and I've very interested to hear what comments you may have.

  • On the zombie game, the method used for the dead blood stain must use a tonne of objects because it slowed my computer down.

    Also, I'm not sure it's counting rescued cubes correctly. I ran around and grabbed a bunch and only got credit for 3.

    Great start!

  • Here's the first look at my very first game!

    Not much to do in the game right now, just run around and hit stuff.

    Try to break the game and let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions. All art is placeholder for now.

    I want to tune things up before I go any further since changes are a bit easier at this point.

    Please, any feedback is good feedback. I want to learn.

  • I really like the art and the animations are great. I do have a few criticisms, perhaps they're intentional though.

    • When you jump, you have a "starting to jump" animation. If the jump button is released before the real jump begins, the jump fails to happen. I feel the jump should occur even if you just tap the jump button.
    • If you're running fast and try to jump off right at the edge, the jump will fail since you'll slide right off the edge in your "starting to jump" animation and fall to your doom. Perhaps activate the jump if the "starting to jump" animation is interrupted?
    • You can't double-jump while falling. This may be intentional, but feels awkward to me.

    I'm looking very closely at your example as I'm working on a 2d platformer and hope the animations can be as smooth as this. Thanks for the work!

  • vtrix

    Perfect example! Thanks, that helped me a tonne.

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  • Just wanted to post to say Kyatric's example helped me out too. Thanks!

  • 6 posts