aznmonkeyboy's Forum Posts

  • Thank you Guizmus! This should be perfect!

    The sub-events solution seemed simple enough, but for the love of god I just could not work my way around to implementing it. Like you said, it can become extensive the more targets you add, and I was really looking for a short and concise solution.

    Unfortunately, I was really hoping that short and concise solution did not involve families seeing how I am using the free edition. Sadly, I have no other options do I?

    Nevertheless, thank you very much for the assistance Guizmus!

  • How did I not see that button?!

    The is embarrassing.

    Thank you blackhornet for clearing this up for me.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):



    • Sprites have a large number of animations.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Set team2 sprite to an animation lower in the list (ie. "Purple", "LightBlue", "Black")

    2. Wait until a number of units have been spawned.

    3. Shoot at armed units until bullets suddenly pass through (Takes a while, but usually occurs in under 20 kills)

    Observed result:

    • Observed with animations lower in the list ("Purple", "LightBlue", "Black").
    • Has not occurred with animations higher in the list ("Blue", "Green")

    Bullets will collide with the enemy sprite, but on some instances, the bullets only pass over them for some reason.

    Shoots long enough, and the bullets will 'eventually' collide and destroy the target.

    (Points of interest are bookmarked in the event sheet.)

    Expected result:

    All bullets to collide when I command them to.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 64-bit

    Construct 2 version:

        r137 32-bit

  • Hi BluePhaze, and thanks for the reply!

    Movement should not be an issue as I am using both the Turret and Path-finding behaviours in tandem, unless path-finding is not the optimal choice.

    In addition, I have tried using the "Pick Object" condition, but my struggle with it is that it can only pick 1 object(not in terms of instances but unique project objects like a sprite or tiled background).

    My issue is that my turret has more than 1 unique sprite in its target list, and that is where my struggle begins.

    If you, or anyone else, would kindly shed more light on this or provide a .capx example, I would appreciate it very much.

  • or use Spawn: choose("speople1", "speople2")

    Wow, how did I not know about this expression? Thank you California!

  • I don't have a well worded thought about this question yet, but I wanted more access to possible turret expressions.

    Right now, I have a situation where I would like an AI to be able to move towards a target acquired. In other words, I want access to:

    • TargetX; and
    • TargetY

    In another situation I thought of is being able to access target instance variables. It may be impossible as targets vary, but I was wondering 'What if it was called by a string?'

    All in all, I simply hoped there would be more expressions for the turret behaviour when I went looking. Sadly there were only four. :(

    Is there a way in which I can work around these hurdles? Much help would be appreciated.

  • Try Construct 3

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    Please and thank you.

    Edit: To whomever this may concern, thank you.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Setup 2 different spawn areas. (two teams, ie. blue and green)

    2. Create a blue team sprite with pathfinding behaviour (custom obstacles).

    i.   Spawn in respective spawn area.

    ii. Add opposing team spawn area to obstacle list.

    iii. Regenerate obstacle map.

    iv. Find a path somewhere in the layout.

    v.   Travel along path.

    3. Same as step 2 but with the green team.

    i - ii - iii - iv - v

    (Optional) If spawn areas placed to far for viewing, setup a method to observe the results. (eg, player sprite with 8Direction and ScrollTo behaviour)

    Observed result:

    Only one team actually moves as.

    From my personal observation, green team spawns and finds a way around but never into blue area; blue team, on the other hand, does not give a single pixel about the fact that green in infesting the area.

    Expected result:

    Adding green spawn area to blue's obstacles list allows blue to wander everywhere but into green spawn area.

    Vice-versa for green.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    OS: Windows 8

    SP: ?

    Construct 2 version:

    Construct 2: r132

  • Hey peoples! How's it going?

    First off, I love the aggregation of so many elements in this behavior that really compacts the number of events and variables in my project.

    Thank you JohnJ !

    My main concern with this behavior is that when I have more than one instance of the same gun, whenever the gun is commanded to shoot, bullets only come from the first instance of the gun.

    I don't know if it's because of the way I have it set up, but my head is aching at the moment and I want someone with a fresher mind that can help shed some light into alternative methods.

    Here's the project I was talking about:

    No map design & Shoooting activated.

    Shooting deactivated w/ Map design (just for watching pathfinding work its magic)

  • Try using the System -> Time -> "every x milliseconds" or "every x ticks" event conditions.

    For 1 second you can do "every 1000 milliseconds".

    I don't know much about ticks and how they work.

  • Jayjay

    Is the 360 controller the only one Construct can handle?

    Will a PS1/2/3 or other controllers work or will they require a special plugin of their own to be functional?

  • If you are going to use a sprite for this you can give this plug-in a try. It comes with an example with only four lines of events. Not hard to follow.

  • akaja

    "Whenever I try to acquire MouseX from MouseKeyboard in an expression,"

    If I am not mistaken, I assume you did something like "MouseKeyboard.MouseX"?

    If that is the case, then follow R0J0's direction. Just remove the "MouseKeyboard." and use "MouseX" or "MouseY" arbitrarily for the respective mouse positions.

  • Pecek

    I think Jase00 is asking for platformer AI help as opposed to just "how can I make a player sprite move using the directional keys?" If that is the case then I understand from a Construct beginner programmer point of view. I cannot help as of yet as I have not tried my hand at moving AI's yet myself. Stationary turret AI's, yes; moving AI's, not yet especially on platformers, assuming it would be much more difficult than simply adjusting a sprite's angle and moving it towards player in a top-down game.