Link to .capx file (required!):
- Sprites have a large number of animations.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Set team2 sprite to an animation lower in the list (ie. "Purple", "LightBlue", "Black")
2. Wait until a number of units have been spawned.
3. Shoot at armed units until bullets suddenly pass through (Takes a while, but usually occurs in under 20 kills)
Observed result:
- Observed with animations lower in the list ("Purple", "LightBlue", "Black").
- Has not occurred with animations higher in the list ("Blue", "Green")
Bullets will collide with the enemy sprite, but on some instances, the bullets only pass over them for some reason.
Shoots long enough, and the bullets will 'eventually' collide and destroy the target.
(Points of interest are bookmarked in the event sheet.)
Expected result:
All bullets to collide when I command them to.
Browsers affected:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes
Internet Explorer: yes
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 8 64-bit
Construct 2 version:
r137 32-bit