awesmeraphi's Forum Posts

  • To solve the error:

    1. Check your project tab, inside the folder Files>Icons


    2. Delete all .png files.

    3. Right-click Icons and import files.

    4. Go to any other project you have saved and import all 6 files again.

    This will solve.

    Thank you very much! Anything is working now

  • I attached the picture of what it tells me when starting construct.. Any help?

  • Hey awesmeraphi!

    I played a bit with your file and changed a lot of things so I'll not explain every bit. Just take a look at this .capx and let me know if this was what you were trying to achieve.


    (use the arrows to move and the space to shoot)

    If you have any questions, just let me know...

    I'd have some other suggestions regarding the behavior itself. For instance, instead of decreasing HP every 2 seconds by 100, I'd decrease it more frequently, in tinier portions. Also, I'd lose the decceleration thing, it is very annoying. Just put the decceleration higher than the acceleration and let the char make sharper turns and stops.


    I cant run this aswell, getting error..

    To the hp: As i dont know how to make hearts, i just made it like this, so you have like 3 hearts. After getting hit you lose 1 heart (100hp) and you get undamageable for short time

  • >

    > But i still would like to have a 8 way movement, where my player doesnt rotate + when im moving up it should play the up animation and when im going like up-right it should still play the up anmiation



    Hm. I now upgraded to the latest Construct 2 Version and implemented this into my Game.. But now i get that error of before again :/ Could someone look over it and tell me whats wrong?

  • The game already has movement behaviors, that's why I asked. Did you try those? Specially the 8 Direction behavior. You can simulate the controls with whatever keys you want.

    Are you using the latest version of C2? Does that error happens with all browsers? It doesn't happen to me.

    Yeah i tried those and i did it like: On D Pressed -> set Playerangle to 0 and this for all Directions, but then it rotates the player :/

    Hmm, the error is away now .. But i still would like to have a 8 way movement, where my player doesnt rotate + when im moving up it should play the up animation and when im going like up-right it should still play the up anmiation

  • Is there a reason why you are using your own method for the movement?

    About the animations, the problem is that you are setting the animation to neutral every tick with an event inside the MeMovement group. This probably worked before because you had the events arranged in a different order, but since you have this one first, it takes priority over the events that control the other animations. If you don't want to change the order, just create a condition on the neutral event that says "if keyboard key D isn't down" and repeat this condition for each movement key.

    For the bullet, you need to create an instance variable on the character (call it player_angle for instance), and when you push a key to change direction, change that variable to the right angle (if you push D, set the angle to 0, if you push S set the angle to 90...). Then after you spawn the PBullet, change it's angle to the player_angle instance variable.

    Well i didnt know how to make Movement in that "from above" games, and that was the only thing i found :/ I would be pleased if you could tell me a way i can do a proper 8waymovement in that above games, i tried it another way before but then my Charactersprite rotated when moving..

    Oh wow thanks, now it works

    Hmm, i tried that, now, wehn starting the game, i get the attached error.. Im often getting this error, but just starting it new works most times, but now it doesnt

  • When I try to open the capx I get the following message:

    Some files are missing from the project. They may have been deleted, or the project may be corrupt.

    I think these are the icon-pngs and the loading png, im getting that error on start too, but it doesnt seem to affect anything

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  • Hey Guys

    So im trying to create a game like "The Binding of Isaac". But in my program i have 3 problems.

    1.: I'm using a special (i think) way for the Movement. Is it possible to move 8 way with this and if yes how?

    2.: As you see in the Project my character has moving-Animations. First they worked but then suddenly, without changing anything, they do not work anymore :/ Any Help?

    3.: As you see, I can shoot Bullets (Eggs). But they only fly in one direction. I know i have to change the angle to change that, but then my character rotates, as i have to rotate my character to shoot in another direction..

    Sorry for all the questions but im quite new, and i didnt find anything about these in the Tutorials. Thanks in advance for all help

    Game is attached