auramatt's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Here is my first Construct 2 game.

    Arcaned is a simple game of four buttons but can get pretty challenging in the higher levels with the different shapes. ... ds.arcaned

  • Thanks. I'll work on that. Is Intel XDK going away?

    Next I have to figure out why my game is only supported on a few devices. Of course I'll make a new threat for that if needed.

  • Hi. I've spent a couple days looking for this and I'm not sure exactly what the correct way is. There's a tutorial on this website to sign and align your keystore and it says to use JDK and ADT bundle. The ADT bundle seems outdated. It looks like it's just Android Studio now. But looking at the Phonegap website and it shows creating the keystore using only the JDK.

    Do I need ADT to create the keystore for a Phonegap build or do I only need JDK and just follow the tutorial on Phonegap?

    I'm asking because I want to make sure I don't mess up the keystore. I see that Intel XDK is going away so I'am using Phonegap. Anyone have experience? Thank you for any help.

  • I got it working. Your capx was very helping for me to finally understand using arrays. Thank you so much!

  • Great. Thank you! I'll check these out over the next couple days.

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  • Hi. I searched for this for a few days and haven't yet found an answer. I have my game set up so it will show the high score on each level when playing the level. My localstorage is "highscore" &layoutname. I have my level layouts in a level folder and are named 1,2,3, etc. All that works.

    But what I want to add is a total of the high scores on the level select screen. For example, if I get a score of 10 on level 1 and 20 on level 2, the total score will say 30. If I go back to level 1 and get a score of 11, the total score should say 31 not 41. I don't know how to load all the high scores from all the levels and then add them together to show the total score. I can't figure out what code to write.

    Is there a way to get localstorage of the high scores from all the levels then add them together so I can set the text to display the total score? I would be grateful for any help on this.

  • 6 posts