asterix64's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • I have 30 sound in my game, and after playing 20 the others don't play. Is there a limitations on how many sound you can play?

    And where the free assets (sound, sprites etc...) are installed?

  • Why it's a spam?

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  • [Article]

    [An indie developer reflects on how he spent too much time and effort trying to make a failure into a success, sharing his experiences about going from iOS to PC and Mac, and why being first out of the gate doesn't substitute for having a truly compelling game.]

    Seven. I log into IndieCity again and check the total sales number to see if, by some miracle, the figure went into double digits. It didn't. Total units of Monkey Labour for Windows sold: seven. And that's not thousands.

    While selling seven games in two months is horrific in any case, this is not, however, another whiny post from a disillusioned indie game developer. It's just the result of an experiment at the end of a longer story that needs some explaining. I am not complaining. In fact, I am already happily working on our next game. I still get to work on what I love. In my book that's all that matters.

  • What I am looking to do is really simple, some click and sound. But at least I want that to be working.


    Thanks for reading. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • When you add a behavior to an object, the events that go with it will appear in the event editor. For fade, just look in the object you added the behavior to and you should find 'Start Fade'.

    Thanks I appreciate.

  • How to start a behavior from a event? Like when I click on the object, it fade.


  • you don't need to set invisible. you can edit the fade in time at the fade in behaviour settings on the left window. the fade in will work automatically. (if your fad in time is greater than 0)

    ps. i din't even survive the begginers tut

    I didn't surve the first toturial too.

    I fixed my problem, IE, After pressing play, I hadd to press F5 to refresh.

    Maybe a error message could have tell me this, also about the intranette.

    [Edit] Oh, now when I click on it, I want to start a behavior. I don't know how, I know how to start a event on click


  • I am sorry for the question. I made the first tutorial, and I tought I could make a fade in. I made my object invisible. I put a fade behabior. But it's not even invisible.

    Also I select a object, rotate it in the object property. When I play, the rotation don't even show up.

    I didn't found a step by step tutorial on it. And the manual did not helped me.


  • 8 posts