assafsahar's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hi, I'm planning to create a simple game that allows the user to save a few images (either taken from the device image library, or directly from device camera) as well as record her voice. The game should save those images and sounds (preferably on the device).

    I've googled it but haven't found anything yet.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Has any of you succeeded with placing ads in your fb instant game?

    I see that in order to make it work I need to first create an ad placement, but when trying to go to the page which supposed to explain how to do that I get a "The requested page could not be found." message...

  • I'm already using the plugin in my game and it seems to work nicely in development!!

    It will be great to have an update for monetization indeed, but currently I'm focusing in getting my game to work great in development. and then to work great in production.

    I'm new to fb instant games (as we all are) and still reading facebook's help articles while developing.

    One thing I've noticed today is that in order to continue with my game to public production I'll have to send them Apple developer team id (because the game will be publish in Apple devices). Does any of you have experience with that? Does it mean that I'll have to pay the anual 99$ fee to Apple just to get the game published?

  • 3 posts