Asmodean's Forum Posts

  • Use else in the second condition F=2.

  • Ashley does that have any effect on the preview in C2?

  • You have to assign the 'Screens' event sheet to your 'Start' Layout.

    Click in Projects on your Start-Layout and then in the 'Layout properties' assign the Screens event sheet to the layout.

  • If you use the Platform-Behavior you can do that with 'Set Platform vector Y to'.

    You can use an instance variabel on your jump rings and set every value individually.

    + Player: On collision with jumpRing -> Player: Set Platform vector Y to -jumpRing.jumpForce

    Vector Y has to be negative to jump up.

  • I don't can help directly, but maybe I would help you if you took a little 'Inspiration' on Parodius from Konami. I think that is the look you want.

  • Works for me. Try 'System: Wait for previous actions' to complete before 'LocalStorage: Get item "a"'. Maybe it's a timing problem.


    The disabled events should do the same as the events which are under this block. But it doesn't work correctly. Don't know if I done something wrong or if there is a bug with OR and MouseOver. So it's now a little more complicated.

  • It depends. The easiest would be to use:

    + System: Player.Y+Player.Height÷2 > Box_PushPull.Y

    Now you compare the bottom of the Player sprite with the middle(origin) y-position of the box. But if both sprites not at a same level you have to adapt it again. For example the Player and box are not the same level and the box origin is lower than the player bottom then it won't work again.

    But it depends what you want. Maybe you won't that the box is movable if player and box aren't level.

  • This is because of Player.Y > Box_PushPull.Y in event 5 and 11. The y of both sprites is the y position of the origin of the sprites. If you make the Box smaller the y value increase, because the origin of the box gets nearer to the bottom of the Viewport/Layout. Eventually Box_PushPull.y is greater then Player.Y when the Box is small enough.

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  • You could also convert the whole string:

    -> System: Set myString to """This is a \t tab"""

    -> Text: Set text to Browser.ExecJS("String("&myString&")")

    or direct:

    -> Text: Set text to Browser.ExecJS("String(""This is a \t tab"")")

  • now I unterstand what you want. Look of this works for you

    | Global number year‎ = 0

    | Global number month‎ = 0

    | Global number day‎ = 0

    | Global number myUnixtime‎ =0

    | Global string DateV‎ = "2018.4.29"

    | Global number daysToAdd‎ = 21

    + System: On start of layout

    -> System: Set myUnixtime to Browser.ExecJS("Date.parse("&DateV&")")

    -> System: Set myUnixtime to myUnixtime+daysToAdd×86400000

    -> Browser: Execute javascript "this.myDate = new Date("&myUnixtime&")"

    -> System: Set day to Browser.ExecJS("this.myDate.getDate()")

    -> System: Set month to Browser.ExecJS("this.myDate.getMonth()")+1

    -> System: Set year to Browser.ExecJS("this.myDate.getFullYear()")

    -> Text: Set text to year&"."&month&"."&day

  • I 'am sorry I don't really understand what you are doing, but if you want convert Unixtime to a normal format this should be easier:

    -> Browser: Execute javascript " = new Date("&unixtime&");"

    -> System: Set month to Browser.ExecJS("")

    -> System: Set day to Browser.ExecJS("")

    -> System: Set year to Browser.ExecJS("")

    -> Text: Set text to year&"."&month+1&"."&day

  • Try this:

    The other one is a direct download. No clue why it's not working.

  • WRS

    I would rather use the Anchor-behavior.

    I made a little example maybe it's helpful for you. You can test different resolutions with the "device toolbar" if you press F12 in your preview in FF or Chrome.

  • Ashley made a tutorial about resolution and aspect ratio.