AsleyCruz's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Hi team,

    I would like to pick just instances overlapping

    the center of the letters.

    How can I do this?

    Please, see attached image.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Hello, is there a particular reason you want to use an array for this? Because it can be made without an array

    Hi, Tomy

    I know how to do it manually random, but I need it using the array object because

    I still don't know how to use the arrays in Construct 2.

    I would appreciate any simple capx sample with this idea.

    Best regards.

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  • Hi team,

    I think this is easy for you, but I would like you to help me to use the array data and assign it to the sprite.

    Please, see attached image.

    Thanks a lot.

  • Hi team,

    Please, help me to change the text of Texts objects with just one letter

    using a ForEach loop.

    For example, I would like that the final result to be:

    A D G

    B E H

    C F I

    Please, see below image and thanks in advance.

  • Hi team

    This is my first post, and I loved Construct. Congrats.


    I would like to know what frames of the sprite is the black rectangle touching.

    You can use a Log to see the frames overlapping.

    Please, see attached image.

    Thanks a lot.

  • 5 posts