Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Including objects that don't support rotation in hierarchies where the parent can rotate introduces some complications, which is why it's not supported at the moment. Using form controls in a hierarchy seems like a weird use case though - what would you need that for?

  • Try the latest beta release - maybe it's a problem we already fixed.

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    "Jump sustain" just sets the vector Y to the jump strength every tick while the jump button is held, up to a time limit. That shouldn't be too hard to reimplement with events as well.

    The aim of Construct is to cover the basics and then give you an "escape hatch" to customise things in more advanced ways. The Platform behavior is a great example of that: it can do a lot for you, but it also gives you control over the vector X/Y so you can do virtually anything else imaginable providing you can come up with the event logic for it.

    Further, we already get far, far more feature requests than we could possibly act on, so each request needs to be strongly justified, and this appears to be already possible via the existing customisation feature. And then even if we did everything everyone asked for, there's a risk Construct could end up crammed with loads of settings to configure the minutiae of every last micro-feature and quirk, and then it's no longer easy-to-use software accessible to beginners. So I do think there needs to be a point where we draw a line and say "use the existing advanced customisation for that".

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    The whole reason there are 'Set vector X/Y' actions is advanced customisation like this. Why not use that?

  • this proprietary software receives the data and pastes it into what ever has focus.

    That sounds like a weird and extremely specific situation. Doesn't it have an API or some other way to get the data without needing to have a focusable text field to automatically paste in to?

    It's such a specific situation I doubt we would change Construct to support it even if we were making software dedicated to application development.

  • Why would you want this? It seems sensible that you're doing one of either typing in a text input, or controlling a game, but not both at the same time, that seems chaotic.

  • This is by design. Other users reported that they didn't want the game controls to function while using form controls (for example it's irritating if game shortcuts and controls are firing while trying to type something in to a text input). If you focus away from the control and back to the game, it will continue using input for the game.

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  • That action works significantly differently to snapshots so I doubt it's exactly the same problem. Can you file an issue for it please?

    In general that's the best approach anyway as things mentioned only on the forum or in comments are often lost and forgotten.

  • Maybe it needs to have a manual validation of each entry about to be replaced, so that the user understand the implication of the replacement each time

    That's already possible: just do a find and go through the results one by one. That's what I would recommend anyway. Automated replacement could totally mess up large parts of your project.

  • They're documented in the Platform Info manual entry.

  • I'm afraid it's impossible to help with just this information. If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines, as we need all that information to be able to help:

  • It's meant to clear them automatically - if it doesn't it's a bug. I looked at the code and realised it wasn't automatically clearing old snapshots though. That should be fixed for the next beta.

  • Set the project property 'Viewport fit' to 'Cover' and it will use the full display. If you need to move content to avoid the notch, you can use the safe area expressions in the Platform Info object.

  • IG is also invite only now, so if you are not approved you cannot release any game at all anyway. So the plugin is not used so much any longer..

    It is indeed a rarely used export option since Meta changed Instant Games to be invite only. It is now one of the least used export options in Construct.

    We developed the Instant Games plugin on the understanding it was a platform open to anyone and so potentially attractive to many Construct users. Then Meta went and changed the rules and it is far more exclusive now and harder to justify having in Construct. So I don't think we will do any more work on the Instant Games plugin. Third party addons can still extend it or you can use JS coding directly in Construct to access the API yourself.