This is just the first stable release of a major new feature - more improvements will be along the way. I'd add that the first beta release that included flowcharts was back in December. If you want your feedback to be included in the initial development then it's important to try out the beta releases and give feedback while the early development work is being done. We can't keep beta releases going forever, so eventually we have to decide to take what we've got to a stable release, and then the next round of changes will be under development for the next release cycle. If you then only provide feedback when the next stable release comes out, then it'll be the next release cycle after that before you try the changes, and it ends up taking months or years to iterate on. The point of weekly beta releases is to get feedback and adapt it more quickly than that.
I'd add that please try to keep feedback constructive (no pun intended) - if you're comparing an early stage feature with some other mature software that's been under development for years, naturally there will be some catching up to do. We do want to do things like cyclic references, but that opens something of a can of worms with possible cases of infinite loops that cause hangs. It can all be dealt with, but it can be tricky and time consuming, and there was already a lot of work with getting a major new feature in place, so in order to get an initial release out that was simply omitted for the time being. As I said, there will be more rounds of improvements through later releases.