skymen pointed out we are looking at integrating a 3d engine and it requires sdk v2 to expose a lot more engine APIs to get close to the level of C3 integration for 3d that is available now with addons. Changes to the editor to support 3d layout craetion with models. More addon APIs to get internal data to map between C3 engine and the seprate render engine. All the work to make many 3D addon to have useful ACEs for event programming for a 3d game, leveraging C3 no code strengths.
In this case I am following what you said previously, to work together to get SDK V2 to a point that previous popular addons can be covered by SDK V2, so there will be no need to bypass encapsulation.
You said in regards to SDK V2 discussion:
Over the next year or more we plan to be continually providing support, SDK improvements, and any other improvements we can to make it easier to move to the new addon SDK. Part of this project is being proactive over the next year to make sure the transition can go as smoothly as possible. We can't do everything right now, as we're only just starting the process and it will depend on feedback from addon developers, but we will be actively working on this in the long term.
Here is where we are giving you feeback on improvements on ways to make it easier, instead you are proposing a huge amount of work, us doing the work to integrate a 3d engine to support events and useful in editor, also a lot of work for SDK V2 (many more apis for editor and engine). The previous 'integration' example was a toy, not anything devs doing 3d game dev with C3 find useful.
Our goal over the next year is to increase the capabilities and APIs available for the addon SDK v2 so that you can do more advanced things with it, and try to make sure where feasible, all popular v1 addons can be ported to v2.
It is feasible to add another output to the vertex shader, which is a pass through - to increase capabilities. So let's discuss doing that.
I recognize that some addon developers do want to be able to do more advanced things with the engine; the best approach for that is a more comprehensive and documented API which is supported long-term.
Here we are looking for you to stand by your words. For 3rd party devs to take on this large burden of porting to SDK V2, we want to work together to make SDK V2 the way forward and create a more comprehensive API.
On my side on these requests, I can forgo API for GPU rotations, that would mean not adding a way to modify the MV matrices. I am not making any further requests for additional 3D capabilities.
My hope is that you look back at your own words and reconsider this discussion and the specific request.
Yes other developers may have a different approach than you do, but that is one of the points of having a more comprehensive SDK - to allow users to devlop differently than using the official addons. Dictating a single approach in a dogmatic way stifles the creative work that the community has already shown is possible using the wonderful C3 visual scripting development paradigm.